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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. This title first noticed by Wong on this site as of July 27th, 2019, 1:38 AM EST based on the post's self generating time stamp, and as of July 26th, unknown time and timezone according to Wong himself.


    *Bows at Wong in gratitude*


    LOVE3 -Love Cube-

  2. Ugh! There are few things in this f-ed up world I hold truly sacrosanct. Marriage wows are one of them. This is one title that, along with it's prequel, needs to be consigned to the abyss.


    As long as the people in question are single, (of age if we are talking reality and not fiction), and proceeding under the concept of informed consent, then it's nobody's business but theirs as to what they do. If you're married however, KEEP YOUR DAM PANTS ON!

  3. You used "ruin" when I think you meant "greatly improve"


    *The Time Stamper adds a custom expansion unit to his Self Inking Rubber Date Stamp and calibrates its settings before proceeding to plaster a date across Napo's forehead.*


    Brain Expiration Date: April 1st, 1942.

  4. It's his blood-related little sister!


    Why, oh why, do they have to take a potentially interesting plot concept and ruin it with blood-related incest? There are lines that just shouldn't be crossed!


    If you categorize the story as "tragedy" (why do people even bother reading those? Just tune to the tv to the news if you want a dose of tragedy) and the characters aren't aware of their blood relation until after the fact, it barely scrapes by on the right side of a tolerable story line, enough so that I won't complain about it's existence least ways, but I still would have no interest in reading it.

  5. I'm not sure specifically what's got your computer in a snit, but I've been using "BGI.exe" to run the program, not "BHVC.exe". Also, my computer's anti-virus software, AVG, was getting in the way. Specifically, AVG's "Behavior Shield" component. I had to that component off out right to get the program to run. Setting exceptions would not work.

  6. Go to config --> text --> font --> font settings --> on the bottom of the window tick option: "with border and shadows".


    I just wanted to say thank you as well. I was also having this problem and your solution fixed it for me as well.

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