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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. At the risk of starting a debate, I have to disagree with you, Exsilon (unless you mistakenly think yesterday was September 3, 2015, in which case you need to double check your calendar). A format of month-date-year, in my experience, is what most people think of by default and so it is less likely to be confusing.


    That being said, thanks to the both of your for your continued support of my time-stamping efforts.

  2. that's Omega's job


    Hey! I have a reputation! :D

    Should I be worried? :(


    In general, I don't mind if somebody beets me to it (and as I don't want to get banned, I'm certainly not going to complain when Ivan beets me to it) as that meant they saw it earlier than I did and so it will be an earlier time stamp; however, in this case, I have to agree with Maoh's sentiment given that time stamp does not even match with any calender I can identify.


    Rance Petersen, either do it right or go take a long walk off a short cliff. :mad:

  3. Thank you for the time stamp.


    As the one who started the practice of time stamping, I would like to suggest a format of mm/dd/(yy)yy.


    In my experience, this is the way most people write dates outside of naming computer files so it is less likely to cause confusion. In Linkman19's post, it's fairly obvious he is using the dd/mm/yyyy format as there is no month 16 (that I'm aware of anyways) but on the first 12 days of a month, it can be confusing.

  4. Praise the game makers who keep making games despite the fact we keep ripping them off by not paying for their work and Ivan who is the reason we CAN rip them off.

  5. This title first noticed on this site as of January 20th, 2015, 7:59 AM EST.


    (I couldn't find a vndb.org entry for this title.)




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