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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Point of order: Technically this is not the "all ages" version, it is the "17+" version.


    Ivan, just out of pure curiosity, why the mis-match between file names and the game's name? You named the files "LabyrinthOfGrisaia.partXX.rar" but left the game name "Grisaia no Meikyuu". I'm assuming "Labyrinth of Grisaia" is the English translation, but why not use the same name for both?

  2. (Spoiler alert)


    Yuri rape is the first sex scene in the game actually lol.


    More spoilers


    Are you referring to the scene right at the end of chapter 2 (or maybe the very beginning of chapter 3)? I hardly consider that an H-Scene. If that is what the "Yuri Rape" tag is about, I think it's a bit over hyped.


    For the record, I'm not very far past the point I just mentioned, so Amedaius'es observation could refer to something later in the game.

  3. Stopreplay is correct. I just realized that a little while ago.


    Is the fact that it is free normal, or is that a promotion that will expire soon?


    I don't know anything about steam beyond its existence and want to do some research before I sign up for an account and do what ever else will be needed to download the game.

  4. scat tag ??? well okay


    There are choices in the option menu to turn off much of the "objectionable" content, including that one. Mind you, I only just finished downloading the game and only have gone through the options menu, I haven't actually played any of it yet and won't until tomorrow at the earliest, so I can't tell you how effective those options are.


    Ivan, that might be a "tag" you want to add to this and any future games where applicable, "disable-able objectionable content" or something to effect.


    Also, Ivan, there is a minor packaging error, for want of a better term, with this game. Most of the games you have here have a file path resembling:


    .rar/<title_folder>/game.exe<p> </p><p> This one is packaged:</p><p> </p><p> </p><title>.rar/<title_folder>/<title_folder>/game.exe<p> </p><p> No big deal, just an FYI so if you ever redo this game download for some reason, you can fix the mistake, assuming it is a mistake and you didn't have a reason to do it this way.</p></title_folder></title_folder>
  5. nah, that would be mass effect, for me at least, but everybody has its own taste i guess.


    Your both wrong, it's a four-way split between Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III on SNES), Legend of Dragoon, a PS1 title, and the two Lunar titles, also for the PS1.


    I'm measuring them against the era of video games they were made in. If you compare some of those titles to what's available today, yeah, they would lose quite handily. Well, Legend of Dragoon still takes all comers and sends them to the abyss.

  6. It sure sounds like a good read. But why is it the best reads are usually "all ages"? If I just wanted a good read I would (and do) go to the bookstore.

  7. Quoted from the game description:


    Voice actress Rachael Messer also makes a quick appearance at one point.


    How does a VOICE actor make an APPEARANCE?

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