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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. I get all sorts of screen shimmers and flickering when I set the game to full screen. It's a good thing I don't suffer from seizures or I'm pretty sure I'd be curled into a fetal position on the floor foaming at the mouth. The game works fine in "normal" screen, for want of a better term, and I can use the standard Window's maximize window button in the title bar, so this issue isn't fatal, to the game, not me I mean.


    Any suggestions as how to fix that? The screen issue, not me on the floor.

  2. Thanks! Also in Fuwanovel forum it said you need to the dummy Nene's ending and then "restart" to see the second half. But the "restart" button never appear.


    I get the general idea that your saying you have two play the route twice, or at least reload an oldish save to trigger a second, different ending, but what do you mean to "dummy" the ending?

  3. Does anybody know if this is another abuse the heroines to no good purpose game, or can you actually avoid the heroines getting raped and have it still be said you actually played the game?

  4. Statistical anomaly that will never happen again:


    You know how at the top of the vndb.org homepage it has four screen shots of four different games? I opened the webpage in order to take a peak at their entry for this game, and this game was the first of the four screen shots.

  5. urgg, why it have to be standard edition for them to translate it


    This is just a theory, I have no evidence to support it whatsoever, as I'm not familiar with either the technical aspects of the actual software or the translating profession. Looking at VN's in general, the only difference between the All Ages (or at least 17+) version and the 18+ is the inclusions a few extra scenes that, strictly speaking, are not necessary to the story (you don't have to show them in the act, just state that they did it). Given such, it would make sense for the translator's to focus on those scenes last. They can produce a working, marketable product sooner, reducing the risk the project is cancelled before they can finish. Afterwords, they can go back and translate those remaining scenes.


    I do agree with your sentiment, however, that they should, in due course, make the 18+ version as well. The remaining scenes aren't all that many in comparison to what they worked on before, and really, how much linguistic skill does it take to translate a bunch of panting and moaning? If necessary, grab an already translated project off your shelf, copy, paste, and edit in a few corrections for different names. If the game is a sequel, you don't even have to do the editing.


    Just to be clear, some of my above statements assume that the game in question has more total words in the non-sex scenes then the count of sex scenes, not the words in them, present in the game.

  6. Sequel:


    English AND Japanese tags?


    Do we finally have a game with an identity crisis? Or is it the more boring and rational possibilities that you can switch languages in the same version of the game?

  7. FYI: This game is technically set in the same world, though I'm fairly certain not the same city, as Princess Evangile, or at least a parallel version of it. In Yorihime's route, there is an occurrence of something that shows up in Princess Evangile. I won't say what to avoid spoilers.


    I've only completed Yorihime's and Julia's routes so far and have only found the one reference so far, so there may be more references in other routes.


    I've also notice they reused the same background image for riding on a bus, but that's more likely the company Moonstone being too cheap to make a new graphic than evidence of a shared setting.


    I'm also assuming that the shared reference between games is something that was invented for the game and doesn't actually exist in a Japan, otherwise we have an alternate explanation for the shared reference.

  8. The title of this one seems to be a little strange. Yes, all the girls in the picture, whom I assume are the heroines, are wearing glasses, but based on the synopsis, that has absolutely nothing to do with the game. Glasses aren't even mentioned in the synopsis. You would think the author(s) of the game would pick a title that somehow reflected the game a little better.

  9. I think I just found an exploitable bug in the game, though I'm not sure yet, as I only just now discovered it. I need to test it a bit to be sure as I haven't been paying strict attention prior to this.



    Each game day is split into a morning phase and an evening phase. During the evening phase, if you "invite a girl out for a drink" but then don't give her a present or play the liquor game but return straight away, instead of advancing to the next day, you return to your room and get the "morning" options even though the game says it is evening. You can then proceed to meet with a girl for a "talk". Afterwords it returns you to the evening menu. I don't know how many times you can loop this or how it works in conjunction with working for money.


    To be clear, you must select a girl and get as far as the menu where you can make a selection such as giving a gift or play the liquor game. If you just go as far as the girl select screen, I don't think this bug works.


  10. I got the game up and running. It's not giving me any particular problems.


    This may be a dumb question, but given that it showing up in task manager, do you have dual monitors, and is the game loading to the other monitor?

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