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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. I wonder why they are taking so long to announce MGQ 3, Torotoro sure are taking their time
  2. Nope, I never said any names lol, just my thoughts
  3. Ryu

    Monster Girl Quest 2

    If they make a spin-off they have to change Luka's very way of thinking too....remember he doesn't want to have sex with the MGs because of his faith to Illyas (or whatever spelled). They will have to give him the "who gives a fuck about Illyas teachings" way of thinking, and then rape all the MGs lol. It would be nice to have that.
  4. Also, if you are going to vote for a mod, don't do it to the person with most post counts, there's a difference between members who post crap like "I like it", "thx", "lol" and members who actually post useful things.
  5. MGQ = Monster Girl Quest! You should try it if you haven't played it yet, although the game is not for everyone.
  6. Jajajaja que bueno!!!! un latinoamericano!!! seeeee, que vivan los eroges!!, de que pais sos?

  7. Jajaja!!!! Que bueno, un latinoamericano!!! seeee que vivan los eroges!!, de que pais sos?

  8. 1. Agreed, a banner and more publicity will help the forum grow in members. 2. Obiously, the forum's theme is Visual Novels...........anime manga etc. are just add-ons.
  9. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ Here will be posted the progress of VN translations The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday for updates. 11eyes - 2nd partial patch out, very slow to effectively stalled for the time because of the main translator needing to deal with real life unless a new primary translator joins Air - 13% translated and 10% edited Aiyoku no Eustia - Fione Route- 99% through 1st pass, 40% through 2nd pass, looking for new translator Akai Ito - Yumei's route released, Nozomi route fully inserted,Uzuki route 40% inserted, 14300/21674 (65.98%) ov
  10. Only when I'm stuck really bad on a route, but most of the time I finish them alone.
  11. Lol he should have told me via PM xD, this will be the last update of this thread then, will make the new one next week.
  12. Who the hell whatches dubbed anime nowadays anyway? (besides kids who don't know how to download the subbed ones). Back in the days' 4kids fucked up One Piece big time.
  13. My personal fav was Elizasbein (or whatever spelled)...her tsundere personality catches my heart xD
  14. Nope, you are mistaken, the one Ivan released was All-ages version of Little Busters, EX is not translated yet.
  15. I currently playing Da Capo 2, Period and Deardrops. Kamidori is incredibly fun and addictive but when you go for the 2nd or 3rd playthrough, the fights, harvest etc. become kind of annoying, so I halted Kamidori until I finish some of the three VNs I'm reading, probably Da Capo 2.
  16. Updated today Sunday [03/11/2012] The translation jumped from 1.87% last week to 6% today, maybe I exaggerated with 7-8 months lol xD
  17. Obiously you don't know Amaterasu Translations, they are the most fastest translation group out there, the game will be ready in 7-8 months.
  18. Yes, Aht has to be lvl 6 and I already triggered that event, have the materials and the recipe, but still can't get her scene
  19. Hmmm is there some special requirement to see Yuela's measurement scene? I already have Aht at lvl 6 but nothing happens.
  20. Awesome It worked!!! Thanks Olaf!! I take my hat to you.
  21. Hmmm has anyone has a problem similar to mine?, I just finished chapter 1 and everything worked fine until this problem started. The graphics crash after a random amount of time, then the sound dies and keeps doing those squares for 5-10 seconds and then the game returns to normal but without sound anymore. I: 1- Reinstalled, installed in Japanese locale, Game > App01 > App02 > 2.00 > Eng Patch 2- PLAY in jp locale. 3- Installed CCCP codecs too. 4- Reinstalled my video card drivers. 5- Reinstalled DirectX. But still the same problem, any ideas? P.D I'm on Win
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