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Everything posted by ultimumknight

  1. i learned that the 2d world is far far away from the real word. I tried make girls like me the first year i played eroge. BTW 2d teachers are way way hotter than my real teachers.....
  2. FOR ME: youtube google yahoo wikipedia manga websites eroge websites anime websites many more.................
  3. ultimumknight

    We Love Master!

    i love harem and so i liked this game. awesome.
  4. well my real life teachers aren't as hot as the one in sensei 2( wish they were). Oh and Im quite like the guy in G-senjou u mentioned, acting goody 2 shoes in the outside, a mischievous guy in the inside.
  5. Happy Bday........ :D :D

  6. well........ummm.......could you plsss upload the game "mother daughter lesson'/Doki Doki Oyako Lesson ~Oshiete ♪ H na Obenkyou~

  7. BTW I love the first 2 games. I think I'm gonna love this.
  8. nice vid (kinda depressing I remember Angel Beats, its very sad)
  9. Im still waiting for : Harukoi Otome Deardrops Shuffle essence MGQ 2(full translated) Majikoi S (Translated) Many more....
  10. I usually finish 5 eroges per week since I started playing eroge about 2 years ago. I still read manga and watch anime. I'm still waiting for new eroge.
  11. I almost got caught but good thing that i turned off the screen in time.
  12. When is this going to become available
  13. I liked all harem animes.
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