i could spoil it for you Lone Wolf just to be fair...but i aint a heartless bastard xP
and yeah you guys are fortunate me, Desi, Ulti, and who ever else saw it earlier are fucked now :
okay that explains it lol, my bad ^_^'''
kissing is for the 1st season...season 2 is(well for me in general in most anime it should be..) baby making time =D jk lol
Edit: intense kiss scenes... *youtubes it *
im not hating on you or your new fetish(cuz i rather enjoy kissing scenes as well in "ALL" anime ) its just that your statements made no sense to me...
no offence to anyone but the dalai lama should leave anime alone and do what he does best (not a damn thing) just saying..
(or is the article a fake? if it is then w/e)
only used a walkthrough once so far and it was to get that elusive Otome Ending in School Days, for the other vn i just go back to my last save point at the choice i want to take back =p