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Everything posted by Melancholic

  1. You kind of need Illusion Morpher to make flat chests that don't look weird in AG3. The "protype" body morph is great as a basis for loli characters. Apply at 50-70% strength, personalize with butt and chest morphs, add custom hair, add a smoother body texture, morph the face to make it slightly rounder, add custom eye and eyebrow textures, spend months building a set of outfits from scratch with SB3utility and Photoshop, scale the character and clothes down in Illusion Wizzard to a more loli size (but not too much, lest you break every animation in the game), write a backstory for your charac
  2. Yes. Multiplayer surprised me in a good way. Getting a decent team can be a problem, though. Lone wolves and vanguards who were trained by the main game to think they're invincible everywhere.
  3. I tend to wait for BakaBT to approve an encode. Let's just say I don't want my viewing experience ruined by release/fansub groups that don't know what they're doing ever again. /somekindofelitist Glad to hear they stuck to their guns, though.
  4. Mitarashi Kousei's delicious Akiko doujins most definitely warrant fapping. Some Haruna because I'm finally getting around to reading To Love-Ru.
  5. As with all anime, I'm not watching anything until the full show is available for download. Looking forward to it, as Bakemonogatari is one of my favorites.
  6. Back in the day, I couldn't bring myself to play Diablo 2 anymore after about 30 minutes of desperately trying to like it. I think I'll pass up on this one.
  7. Wonderful Touhou arrange that is somehow in Monster Girl Quest. Replaced in chapter 2 because, er, absolutely everyone recognized it, I guess.
  8. Guys, any suggestions on how to sell this one to a guy who keeps dismissing it because it's "girly"?
  9. Easily one of the best shows in recent years. I must stress that if you're not convinced after the first couple of episodes you should definitely not give up. I recently upgraded my tv rip to a blu-ray one, and now Avenger tempts me with a 10-bit encode. Damn it.
  10. Ik ben Noord-Brabander, dus in principe moeten we elkaar wel kunnen verstaan ja. :D

  11. It's Gokou "Kuroneko" Ruri, from Oreimo, as drawn by Matsuryu. :) Also, Nederlands?

  12. Melancholic

    Monster Girl Quest 2

    I don't really want to make a tech support topic for this, so it goes here: how do I get the encyclopedia entry for the nekomata? I've lost to her multiple times, but she just won't appear in my monsterpedia at all. Instead, I have a blank ("???") entry in-between the yuki-onna and samurai elf ones. My inner completionist cannot deal with this.
  13. Melancholic


    Should be. If you want to be absolutely sure, you can always scan an archive before extracting it.
  14. I'm going to wait for blu-ray rips again so I deliberately avoided reading any of your posts in case of spoilers. Yeah. Looking forward to this, though.
  15. Melancholic


    Doujinstyle should have working links for all the official games, as well as many fan games and a lot of arranged music albums. Keep in mind a lot of the fan made stuff is of dubious quality because it's, well, made by fans.
  16. Hello all. ME fanboy reporting in to say ME3 is pretty great until the ending tears down the universe with a sledgehammer. I'm an avid supporter of the "retake" campaign, but also a believer in the ability of BioWare to make things right in the extended cut. It's really depressing the bitterness over the ending overshadows what is fundamentally an excellent game. If anyone in Europe wants to farm credits in gold play multiplayer, add Melancholic2 on Origin. Just don't expect me to have a mic.
  17. That depends entirely on how willing you are to be forced by your RPG into a specific role and gender.
  18. Sadly not an adult game, but I really want Mahou Tsukai no Yoru because I love the art. [ 1, 2, 3 ]
  19. Can't go wrong with Crimzon Clover. It's pretty much explosions: the game, in a good way. Also quite a bit harder than Touhou.


    The C81 version of Stella Vanity is really nice if you like complex game mechanics (three shot types at once, two different hyper modes, equippable items, gaining levels).


    Exceed 2nd and 3rd are heaps of fun. The former has an Ikaruga style polarity system, and the latter is just a really solid Touhou-style shmup.


    RefRain is of very high quality (but easy).


    The Gundemonium trilogy (Recollection, Gundeadligne and Hitogata Happa) is solid. The first two are horizontal shooters but otherwise very much bullet hell, the third is Touhou with a suicide bomb mechanic.


    Ether Vapor (the remastered version) is amazing, at least visually. Do tell if you figure out what exactly your hitbox is in that one.


    And if you're feeling particularly masochistic, many CAVE arcade games can be emulated on M.A.M.E. :p

  20. I'm not nearly affected as much by large scale tragedy (war, genocide) as I am by small, personal drama (a death in the family, a love torn apart). I'm also completely unmoved by catastrophes in the news, unless they affect me or those I care about personally. I guess it's easier to empathize with individuals than with large groups of people, or I'm just apathetic. ... Why must this show remain unnamed?
  21. 191 seeds. You guys are amazing. It'll be hard to seed this to 1:1 because of that, though, but I'll try. Nothing else to say here yet as I just began downloading.
  22. This "emptiness" always overcomes me after I finish something I got emotionally invested in. I'll spend entire days just listening to the soundtrack, browsing fan art and boring my disinterested peers by continually bringing it up. I don't understand how so many people are instantly over the emotional impact of a work of fiction when the credits roll. I've watched shows that nearly brought me to tears with friends, and they would casually pause the video during a critical scene to get potato chips (and loudly eat them). I get frustrated when someone brings up something utterly mundane (yes, yo
  23. Girls Dead Monster - Brave Song (Gldemo Version) I'm a Yui person, myself. This show should really have had the 24 episodes they intended to make. It would have been amazing. Everyone would have had a proper ending.
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