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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. ^ Dunno, it was already there when I read his latest post.
  2. More like "No" = "Yea, I think so" in Insem's dictionary. lolz @Lanse-kun: I've sent you a PM.
  3. Just for clarification, we aren't talking about grammatical errors or awkward English though.
  4. ... """"""""Insem translation"""""""", no. This one doesn't count.
  5. https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-news/3023-visual-novels-translation-status-%5B08-18-2013%5D-5/#post58745 The post on Wairu site only stated a "10%". Ultim came up with the conclusion that it was an update for Koyuki on his own, I guess. lulz Probably because of this.
  6. We don't need to read the story to decide whether it's good or not. We just need to be Ultim. (just, stahp, please.)
  7. ^ Another case of Ever17. http://animeinsightsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/naturally13.jpg Of course, Dracu-riot! is far better than some over the top comedy VN like Majikoi. Plus, it has Sumika. Note that I am at least halfway serious about this.
  8. I thought all the MG secret titles had been announced. Are there more of this?
  9. ....Great conversation right here. Just like Ever17. The fact that they used two names in ancient china is not important. It's confusing to remember their names (because there are more than a dozen heroines), much more when they've more than one names, which is the point I'm trying to make, bro. lol
  10. The fact that those girls have two names only make it more confusing.
  11. Finally found 刃鳴散らす OST. Man, thing thing is so fucking elusive I thought it's impossible to find.

  12. Houzuki sure likes plan like this.It would seem the scales have fallen from my eyes. O:
  13. I think you don't know, but Switch isn't a troll. He's a fucking SAO anime fanboy and he hates Trigun. He's nothing but a loser, Loser Switch. Dammit, get it right, Ryu!
  14. It's partially voiced, and only certain parts like that have voices. (so no, your sanity is probably still intact )
  15. Dra+Koi... It's love. It shows us love. That we should learn to love despite everything that happens. And perhaps, maybe, if there's ever a time where we must break and give a middle finger towards tradition to love, then we do so.

  16. Starting Dra+Koi right now. Then I'm going to read Demonbane (the inferior PC version filled with H-scenes crap), Phenomeno, and replaying Chaos;Head. I'm pretty much done with Nitro+ English titles after this. Probably play バクダン★ハンダン between them for variety.
  17. lol Me. In any case, we won't be seeing Ayakashibito anytime soon because editing is slow. But I don't mind it.
  18. Harukoi Otome dropped. Going straight to generic VN right after Grisaia, TSR, and Nitro+ marathons is a terribly bad idea. I'll consider this a valuable lesson.
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