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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. ^ Very amusing, huehuehue. That said, the point in the quote is quite clear. Moogy admitted that he started translating it again because he doesn't want Ixrec to ruin Dra+Koi. And almost everything in oliavito's post #53 revolved around this. Post #55 however, implies that oliviato's reached this conclusion based on a out of context quoting, therefore linking him to the actual thread. Which in my opinion, is pretty pointless since it makes no differences. That is all. Grisaia no Kajitsu deadline is 5/24? Hohoho~~ (x Oh and, Spider Lily Translation released an updated
  2. Ditch Never7 and go play Inganock~! And yeeeeeesssss! Bad art is losing!! Mwahahahaha~~~“ψ(`∇´)ψ
  3. Yeah, the day where bad art will be defeated. Shishishishishi!!
  4. I/O update - 162/249 scripts and 91/256 tips translated. Route A/C/D/D' translation complete
  5. Not yet, Ultim still hasn't raged in here. We can't call this as complete! (x
  6. http://puu.sh/23SaA ........ ............ ....................... http://puu.sh/23RYm
  7. Happy Birthday Seraphim.

  8. Cheap fapping material is cheap fapping material, and MGQ arguably fit that label. Trash are for game like Tasty Shaft. These statements make absolutely no sense at all. Everyone is justified and allowed to give a very harsh criticism to something if that is what they really feel about it. Calling it insulting for holding a negative opinion of something that other people like is the epitome of arrogance and ignorance. It's called an opinion.
  9. ^ I don't know what you're trying to correct with that NNL quotes, but if you were to read carefully, especially the third and fourth lines of the first NNL quote, that part just further proving that I'm actually right for calling Supipara "subpar". Oh well, whatever.
  10. A quality decline in NnP had something to do with budget, and we all know that they nearly went bankrupt. Pessimistic assumption is alright, but I think people should at least wait and see for their next title first. If they release another title, that is. And if it turns out to be shitty as well, then they can say, "Minori, the next Softhouse-Seal!!" There are a few things that should be taken into consideration, but well, the simplest chain of thought for people would be "NnP is almost like a nukige and it sells really well. Therefore, every new VN from Minori will be a nukige-like." So
  11. I heard that MG did a terrible translation for Shuffle, so prepare for some stupid mistake and typo, I guess.
  12. I've talk about Minori and NnP too many times I'm not going to bother repeating the same thing anymore. And saying that Minori are going to become a nukige company (e.g. like Softhouse-Seal) is a bit too early.
  13. Nope, I don't think so. Chinese and Japanese have different usages of Kanji, learning the kanji meanings for one can make it harder to understand the other effectively. If the priority is to learn Jap, I should stay away from Chi atm.
  14. Hehehe...not bad, though I like this one more. xD
  15. Natsuzora no Perseus has too many h-scenes, so it's no surprise there. Monobeno is actually pretty interesting. Been on my wishlist since september. Well, not like my Jap is good enough to read it anyway.
  16. ^ This is too funny I laugh so hard~~!! But I agree! Relia >>>>Tomoyo At least unlike Clannad, Okasare Yuusha actually has romance. Oh, and Monster Girl too. Fuck Key, they should've put one in their VN! :
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