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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. Tell him to translate Rui Tomo and Oretachi. x) Now, I wonder what is Futsuu weakness....hrm.
  2. Indeed. I can't wait for Air. Hear that, Ultim. God loves cats. Huehuehue.
  3. Why? MT patch is the perfect translator for eroge fans. It's like fast food. It makes the story much more interesting. I'm pretty sure Umikaze translation for Flyable Heart can't make the readers re-read the lines 3 to 4 times and give a different meaning and feelings each time they re-read it. It's way inferior compared to FH MT patch. (:
  4. It's futile. He wants the ISO of JAST version, not the ISO of Japanese version.
  5. No incest or blonde route? Damn, Kara has dropped from no.5 to no.14 on my "must play list".
  6. A good VN is a good VN. It can't suddenly become mediocre or bad whenever it was compared to G-Senjou. And one of the reason people tend to compare A Profile with G-Senjou is because they were both written by looseboy. Regardless that the setting, theme, and the aim of both VN is different. For me, I would rather like to criticize and dissect A Profile for its own weakness without having to bring another title from looseboy. Granted, it isn't a 9/10 material like Sharin and G-Senjou, but it is definitely not below average either.
  7. A Profile is pretty good even when it's compared to G-Senjou. (Haven't play Sharin yet.) I will not say that it is better than G-Senjou but it clearly wasn't subpar.
  8. Sorry, I'm just kiddin'. And I'm confusing schizophrenia with alzheimer (originally intended to write the latter one)...scary mistake, my bad.
  9. I can see why people will dislike the characters in A Profile. An amount of tolerant might be needed for some readers in order to enjoy this VN. It also depends on why you play A Profile in the first place. Personally, I don't have problem with A Profile characters so far. It's very enjoyable.
  10. ooohh~~~ BANZAI~~~~~~~~~~~\o/ HYPERWEAPON CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Gantz is pretty popular. And it's one of my favorite manga, along with Battle Royale.
  12. Faster, faster, give me the full patch! All this "shouting" about rewrite is killing me slowly.......
  13. ..........gahahahah~~!!!
  14. Merry Christmas to you too Udizzle-san. (I wonder how much blood have I lost because of this thread....)
  15. Finished Rizu's route from A Profile yesterday. Finished both the true end & alternate end for Rizu's route. Score: 7/10 (This is a score for the individual route, and definitely not for the whole VN) Now, onwards to Miku's route
  16. Hooray~~~ \o/ Seriously, what is this? Another two translation project for the same VN? The hell? Hosting Two Projects | Visual Novel Society Air Translation Project - Fuwanovel
  17. It's in this order. Melty Blood Melty Blood Re-ACT Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver. B Mlty Blood: Actress Again Current Code
  18. That's the h-scenes for Muv-luv Altered Fable.
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