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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. Like I myself I will always go for the hero if the villain is just some retard that does shit for the fun of it >.> but I personally like people like Light in death note until he went mad with power (dumb question tbh but I felt that we needed a thread)
  2. I see so my random happy birthday strategy worked <.<


    Btw <3 your avatars

  3. Stàr


    Ill let people guess mine its very original if you know what I mean. NA btw I personally think balance is done very well in league having out of 102 champions or so all 102 be viable and having about 80 ish of them viable for tournament play its one of the things I like about league.
  4. I was looking at this at random but HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1 MONTH LATE

  5. Guild wars 2 and the Artorias of the abyss dlc for dark souls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dPE5D24zeE Dark souls
  6. Boom! never was never any doubt and cae your avatar creeps the shit out me, I hate looking at that thing but yet I cant stop
  7. Okay this looks like a fair solution and I'm glad we didn't have that rule for voting:P because kurisu cannot lose
  8. Its actually a tie some guy stated that he meant to vote for kurisu and not rin
  9. 0/10 you are telling me that I'm an impossibility and then proceed to talk about the impossible yourself
  10. ^ It makes you want to watch clannad and/or play it >.> 9.9/10 One of you lesser beings may have the honour of rating me now
  11. Haven't read the light novels but I was kinda expecting more from the whole ghost thing it was a bit anti-climatic if you ask me
  13. KURISU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rin not that I dislike rin :$
  14. Stàr

    Fate/Stay Night

    haha sounds a bit painfull since this is also suppose to be kinda long but this is defenetly the next thing im gonna play after im done with Sharin no Kuni
  15. Stàr

    Fate/Stay Night

    Okay so basically there is a bunch of bad ends and for your first game you can only have 1 good ending and then for your second you can have 2 good ending and then for the third three good endings? and if I fallowed a walkthrough for heavens feel for example during my first game, I would just get a bad end?
  16. Stàr

    Fate/Stay Night

    So the choices I make don't matter since I can only get the fate ending?
  17. Stàr

    Fate/Stay Night

    So is the game worth it? and also what's heaven's feel? I read about having to complete the game and then you can go back and do heavens feel or something like that
  18. KURISU!!! and Desi is right I personally don't see her as a tsundere
  19. Kurisu - Steins gate Kei - Ef a fairy tale of the two and I'm sure there is more but as much as I love tsunderes sometimes they can get incredibly annoying...like seraphim from kore was zombie
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