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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. ^Ofc they do but seeing as your background is CC and your avatar is CC, I dont think you can talk about not having an opinion between the 2
  2. ^ doesn't know what he is talking about and thinks 2 much of himself but:P has a good sig that I want to know where it came from and Kallen > C.C
  3. It's alright denial is the first step But shit was a bit to strong of a word, I'll change it to not good
  4. Nah, someone as perfect as me can only have perfect taste when it comes to anime but I'm sure its an anime fit for beings of lower intelligence.
  5. ehh....I don't know if I just have not taste for animes but I hate the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I thought it wasn't that good but I hear the movie was pretty good
  6. I dont like taiga i could never finish torodora nooooo
  7. hahahahaha I laugh at you pety wolf I could consider losing just to laugh at you some more but I probably shouldn't let my kurisu lose ...what to do..what to do
  8. There is no over-confidence in this walking god named star, win or lose it will go as I wish it to in the end *insert evil laugh*
  9. I see but now you have the great Stàr-sama with you so everything is fine
  10. I change from full to empty depending on the situation and being confident is part of the winning strategy Wolf, you should take notes % of what?
  11. Loved it, probably the best VN I have read so far.
  12. Kurisu will win in the end so this matters not
  13. wow how did kuro lose it was a tie? and I got noone to dominate ...for now >.>
  15. I feel bad haven't seen to love ru >.> and Hina isnt bad but I think Kuroneko beats her
  16. They are here!! Noaw just need da subz :*(
  17. Stàr


    Its the same as my name here I thought using the same words as the opening post was enough of a clue >.> stàr - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics - lolking.net Xin is really a jungler that needs to get ganks off or he falls behind :$ and I have never played ali and I dont think he is op at all I wouldnt ban him in ranked but people beg you to do it if he hasnt been banned and I want to practice my jungle nunu he is really strong right now:)
  18. Stàr


    I like jungling a lot more than any lane and as far as laning goes I consider myself a slightly above average adc for my elo (High 1500's atm), and a good solo top but for some reason I like mid the most >.> even when I consider that my most average lane And now I want to download Fate stay night your avatars are too OP.
  19. Stàr


    I know amumu needed the nerf >.> never said he didnt and yes ofc thats why mal is still picked his E is just that amazing
  20. Stàr


    Soraka its just the art I believe and not her kit, and I was actually a bit sad by the twitch changes they made him him weaker tbh I used to jungle him and now he is just meh. Eve still weak but not as weak at least imo. Kat changes look pretty good and idk about garens but he looks pretty strong at least from just some dominion I played yesterday to kill time. And yes zyra was broken she came out and she still is very stronk but overall I dont think anyone is gonna flame you 2 badly if you pick any of the 102 champions not even heimer who isnt bad just that you have to be really good with
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