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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. Stàr

    Koihime Musou

    Chousen was the best
  2. Makes me want to play Majikoi but I swore I wouldn't until Miyako
  3. I enjoy listening to p&b from Sharin no Kuni often
  4. Stàr

    Koihime Musou

    And then when he reaches the End, He will most likely be quite disappointed and some of the battles make me bang my head against the desk out of despair because of how long they were (and how pointless because you cant even fucking lose)
  5. Don't need to thank me for saying Happy Birthday :p but well done for addressing me properly :)


    Oh and I hope you had a good time :3

  6. Oh shit lucky me that I clicked your profile, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!11!!

  7. Personally its Touka > The sister > Sachi > Natsumi from those pictures Like Sachi is hot but Touka and The sister make me want to stare at them in those pics
  8. I have restored my liking for the people in this thread
  9. Yeah the animes make you want them... I want them too
  10. Then its not to late for me yet
  11. Well that answers the question and doesn't spoil so good answer
  12. Watched ep 10 liked it, but one question I don't get it, did the shield guy out maneuver Kirito or did he somehow freeze the arena and then blocked?
  13. ^its scary not sure if second one is a guy or not...
  14. Didn't read but rejected because of Yachi
  15. hmmm. So I haven't played dear drops so I can't vote for Riho, don't want to vote for Karin for a few reasons and while she was the best in koihime mosou I disliked that game either way, and I haven't play Kamidori yet so Yuela is out too. That leaves me with Haruna and Liliana and I'm gonna go with Liliana, I feel like I like her more
  16. Yeah Karin was probably the best with Shunran, and we are the same on why we hate her Wolf but I took out the voice patch just so I didn't have to hear Aisha
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