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Everything posted by pramit

  1. I finished Air. It was beautiful. The game is divided into 3 segments - Dream, Summer, and Air. I loved the game as i love other KEY vn's. The music is as good as any other KEY vn (i.e excellent). The art is a bit outdated, but the game is aged. The characters are cute, especially misuzu who was my favorite in this vn. Misuzu chin fighto! The ending of Air route revealed stuff which had some similarities with the story of rewrite(which i have read previously). The protagonist is also voiced by the same person who voiced kyosuke in lb, i loved that and his attitude. I recommend all who love
  2. Tsukihime Fate/Stay Night Ayakashibito I/O Muv-Luv Alternative (You need to play Extra's and unlimited first Muv-Luv) Hoshizora Saya no Uta Sharin no Kuni Zanmataisei Demonbane These are my suggestions after seeing your list(no priority order, but i give hoshizora the lowest priority and demonbane the second lowest. Demonbane is quite good, but it has its shortcomings. In case of Hoshizora, there is quite the gap between hoshizora and the others i listed hence i give this the lowest priority). Just pick the 3-4 you need from this, you can't go wrong I stopped halfway. The gam
  3. well..if you already have 2.4 TB filled with vn's that's already a lot of vn's..i don't think you'll be needing any more
  4. alright i finished 2 visual novels(well actually 4, but the other two are 5-10 minute long vn's) Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete - This one had a good start, it was animated partially, had nice art and i thought it would be a nice read. But it turned out to be rather..boring, for the lack of a better term. A lot of people were complaining about too much glider details, but for me it was not just that. Some of the dialogues(or monologue) made no sense to me, and some of them felt really cheap like "you can do anything if you believe in your uh..true heart"(not a dialogue in the game, ju
  5. thanks, i didn't notice it myself :D

  6. ok, first of all. it was not a waste of time, because you posted about it in this thread. Now people who see your post will think twice about playing it. Secondly, can you give me a link to that vn on vndb? you say its the worst..have you played harem party?
  7. how do you explain microbes that reproduce asexually then? They fuck themselves? I dont understand why "switch" would want to create germs and disease and poverty and all that stuff, when he only wanted people to fap? Wait, what do you mean this thread is a joke?
  8. hello, those who finished ayakashibito please help me find the following cg's - [spoiler=ayakashibito missing cg] http://i.imgur.com/xAYKFBP.png http://i.imgur.com/ZovlhOI.png
  9. i like the music from fsn, it seems like the most natural music for a h scene-
  10. i finished this game quite recently. I agree with your opinion on Art. For music, i think the only music i really liked was the music at number 16(in the bgm list) - Noderabou. The first half is totally badass. Rest of them range from bearable to forgettable. It had only 1 ending song that was played in all routes, that i could not skip. Suzu was actually my favorite character this game. I found her cuteness overwhelming, but it was her mature sister act and the kindness that she showed to Soushichi that i really liked. That, or i just liked her masturbation scene and i'm giving excuses..
  11. i see. i am quite naive on such matters, thanks
  12. its not even there in the link i posted. no mention of it, except for the discussions page
  13. pramit

    Milk Pot

    i finished this a long time ago, due to being challenged by my friend (who said he couldn't do more than half of it). It was a short and i felt a bit dizzy after finishing it. Probably because of all those masturbatory and rape scenes, and the "flashing" every time she came. ugh..i get a light headache just thinking about it.
  14. why is this translation project not listed on vndb? Shin Koihime †Musou ~Otome Ryouran ☆ Sangokushi Engi~ - this is the one right?
  15. is this a thing? do people actually read a vn by watching videos? it seems a bit...inconvenient. But i suppose you'd have no choice if it did not work on your pc.
  16. i can't finish it even with a walkthrough. For some reason, i'm stuck when i try to complete the true route, and i'm clueless on what to do now. Meh, not gonna bother, skipping is such a pain. Maybe i messed up one step in the walkthroug, idk, its a pain to go do it again. Maybe i'll revisit it someday.
  17. pramit


    This game was quite enjoyable. Despite what it may seem like, it has a good storyline too. I do recommend playing this, whether you like lolis or not
  18. hm..CRC error(file is broken). gonna redownload..but don't know which part..
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