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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. Same here and I'm also into medieval stuff. That sword fighting woman looks hot btw.
  2. Ah I see, thanks. Ryo was talking about so many other games that I got lost.
  3. He just corrected your statements. Played some minutes of the trial and damn, that game looks and sounds pretty sweet.
  4. She's called yueRa...god dammit! (Just ignore my comment)
  5. Sure but I did this once with 11eyes. There's also that partial patch and hell yeah, I played it, I loved it. But then...nothing. And since 2 years I'm waiting for the full patch to be released but let's take a look at the progress, there's just something like 20% translated....NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! щ(ಥДಥщ)
  6. afjskhvrul598 dajskadhfnva;o485 hga;lsidg!!1 \o/
  7. Rewrite, partial patches are for the weak, I'll wait for the whole thing.
  8. No, you just answered way too fast.
  9. Well we usually don't like them. But hey you know what? You're thinking the wrong way. Why? Because we just PREFER story over moe, doesn't mean that we aren't able to enjoy games with a lame story but awesome chars. Gimme a crappy story and mashiro, I'll come buckets.
  10. Well, sucks to be you. Oh and...
  11. I second this. You'll find character more awesome if there's a good story.
  12. Alright, alright, we got it. http://tenka.seiha.org/images2/squid9/squid9_87.jpg
  13. Nah it's not but I can see where you come from. Anyway guys, let's leave it at that... WE PREFER ANIME AND IRL GIRLS!!! \o/
  14. True but a person who is perfect isn't perfect...does this make sense?
  15. Well because it was meant to. =D
  16. No problem, the fandisc of sharin no kuni has also a translation btw.
  17. Gahahahaha! Same here as well~! Well I do prefer IRl girls though because...because they are real I guess?
  18. So people are able to nominate saber again? Where's the fun man?
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