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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. It's not a high quality translation and some sentences may sound weird. There are also some lines (around 10) which aren't translated. It's all in all not a big pain in the ass, you're able understand everything but it's not a smooth read...if you know what I mean.
  2. Wasn't there already a group which wanted to improve the current translation of clannad?
  3. OooooooooOOOooooooooHHHH!!!!! (kamidori, earth girl while leveling up) So I'm not alone eh?
  4. So yeah, I'm fine with loving a monster girl as long as she DOESN'T rape me. I don't like rape at all.
  5. Fuck, I totally forgot about this scene. So yeah, I agree with you.
  6. That's so true that I want to cry. W-wait! Why do you know my age? Y-you stalker!
  7. And she's exactly the heroine I ended up with. Fap faster, will solve your problems.
  8. If you liked senjou no maou then try sharin no kuni. Same developers, same art guy, same awesomeness.
  9. Why? I'm actually quite thankful for been bullied. I mean only because of those painful years I became the person which I'm today. Without that part of my life I would probably be still that wimpy protagonist nobody wants to see. So yeah, being bullied sucks but will make you more awesome when you survived it. It depends. It may worked in your case but just imagine there's a whole group against you. You don't want to attack in this case, otherwise you would be punched by 10 guys. And don't expect that all people are as strong as you. If you're big and strong then you can attack the bulli
  10. Why? He's just friendly, thankful and ready to improve his skills; all good things. And even if he's 12years old, then he's already damn mature.
  11. Of course! It's a national day here in germany. Oh and the letters look somehow deformed, I probably resized the picture back then.
  12. Holy shit! All of them? That's like a shitload of gigabytes! It depends from game to game but you may have to start an english patch game exe. Wow that's a cool word. Oh and could you give us the name of the visual novel/eroge you want to play? Edit : Desi and OneManArmy, always thinking the same stuff. The only difference, desi's faster. =( FUCK YOU DESI! I HATE YOU!!! If someone quotes my comment, does this remove the white color btw? Nevermind, desi likes me
  13. Probably, not that I would care though. I finished it and I'm proud of myself. Didn't I even make a picture? Edit : ...yeah I did.
  14. Actually...No. I was bullied for 6 whole years but I didn't like her story at all. Hell, I didn't even feel for her. Well I'm probably broken or something. Nah seriously, they won't stop bullying just because of reading that title. It's always easier to fallow your current way (bullying) than going back and take another one (stopping it). I don't share your opinion but still, thumbs up. Great review because you REALLY explained why you love that game but... ...I CAN'T FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT!!!
  15. Well there should be FAR more saber fanboys than saya ones.
  16. Wow, it's damn awesome to read the previous comment without having read the rest of the thread. So yeah, I've no idea what the hell you're talking about but I can't see the name Mashiro, fuck that list! Edit : Read the first comment; oh it's one of those thingys.
  17. Reminds me of playing hoshimemo...god dammit!
  18. In this thread you can find... 1. People who aren't able to use spoiler tags. 2. Peoplo who aren't able to use spoiler tags in a correct way. 3. People Desi who's bitching around because of the first two points. As for myself, I raged through family project, it was annoying as hell. Dammit, I was unfriendly towards all heroines but still ended up with one...what is this shit about? So yeah, I hated the game but finished it nevertheless...ain't I awesome?
  19. /shana - Konachan Anime Wallpapers Gelbooru - Image List / shana
  20. I don't care but let's take saya, saber will win anyway.
  21. OneManArmy

    School Days

    There's a new version of school days btw, make sure to check it out.
  22. Because...nah, I'll restrain myself from raging around. I hate it, that's all.
  23. You have family project installed?! GO TO HELL!!!
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