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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. It feels stupid to quote myself but what the heck...
  2. For japanese people a "Pettanko" character is a female who is flat-chested or has small breasts and is either concerned by it or proud of it. So yeah the translated word itself just means 'flat' but there's more behind it then this. I've to agree about lina though, she's definitely not flat chested. Damn that site wherever I got the text in my previous comment from!
  3. Haters gonna hate... Seriously cael, at least use an animation. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2111[/ATTACH]
  4. This. I personally rated it 6,8/10. Deadrops had some good moments but the rest was mainly boring. The ending of rihu's route was actually fitting but nevetheless crap. Crap fits crap, it's common knowledge. Anyway, the worst thing was probably that you couldn't hear any violin tracks while the protagonist was playing it. Seriously, fuck this. Don't tell me how awesome he plays when I can't hear anything. They gave me some nirvana practicing guitar sounds but nothing violin related...makes me a sad panda. Oh well, deardrops was (at least partly) enjoyable.
  5. Nah don't worry. You may had to explain the whole thing twice but what the heck, at the end I was able to understand you and that's the most important thing.
  6. That's the thing I don't get. You're saying that music isn't your thing but on the other hand you wanted to learn an instrument. Well I'm probably just too dumb to get it...
  7. So you actually don't want to play an instrument because you can't skip the "learning it" dungeon? Oh well, it's good when you do something about your dancing and drawing skills. Keep it up.
  8. I'm very sorry for destroying your illusion but you won't gain anything from doing nothing. Btw, has your location (7th floor) anything to do with the narcissu visual novel?
  9. If I had to sum up all the comments up to now... If it's a good visual novel then as long as possible. If it's a bad bisual novel then as short as possible.
  10. Dammit guest, your username's maybe lame, but you sure know your stuff. *thumbs up*
  11. Nah, I won't create nor join one anyway.
  12. Hey guys, I was able to find a hidden h! Not sure if I want though...
  13. Another heterochromia fan? Good stuff, our imaginary fan club has now three members. \o/ Pettanko refers to a female character that places a great deal of importance on the fact that she is flat chested. It does not refer to characters that merely happen to be flat chested, but do not make any importance of this fact. The character may be extremely proud of the fact that she is flat chested, or extremely embarrassed of the fact. Pettanko does not specify any age group, pettanko characters range from adolescents to adults, although pettanko children and pre-teens are rare as they are n
  14. I'll try to keep it short. I always wanted to play an instrument and so I ended up choosing the piano. The only problem, those lessons are fucking expensive. Thus my idea was destroyed. Then I thought a little bit more and somehow started to teach myself playing the guitar. So yeah, I'm playing the guitar since 2 years and I also write songs and obviously sing them. But I actually like piano and violin music more.
  15. Am I the only person here who doesn't want to become a mod?
  16. Don't make it sound like you would be a hard guy. Look, you already began to cry.
  17. You know that we also have some female members here right? So you better prepare yourself to die. Sayonara cael, I'll miss ya.
  18. Are you praising me or not? Not that I would care though. As for chaos;head itself, I was never able to play it. It always screwed up after 30min of playing. This makes me a sad panda because the story sure looked nice. And there's no meaning in comparing me to that protagonist anyway because I'm obviously far more awesome...probably.
  19. Like I said some days ago, "other" will obviously win because there are to less options to choose from.
  20. Seriously, why is every damn thread attacked by lolicons?
  21. @guest If you know how to do it, why don't do it by yourself then?
  22. I personally thought that riho's boobs were way too huge for her little body. She looked hilarious while wearing her swimsuit, well not as much as gonda though.
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