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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. What? Don't make it sound like our comments wouldn't be topic related.
  2. Wouldn't it be better to have some sex slaves?
  3. Hey you already have da capo, da capo 2 and kotori love exp. Don't hope for the impossible.
  4. Eh? Why? Can't see the reason for that. Friends are totally overrated.
  5. Even my little friend down there wants some quality you know?
  6. How can you guys play a game with such a name anyway?
  7. At the end other's will win because there are just too many differenty types of heroines to list them here.
  8. I'll definitely play KoiTate and Otoboku though. I may like traps, who knows?
  9. Let's hope that you're right. I obviously have nothing against a little busters anime adaption. Wafuu~!
  10. Count me also out, I'm way too lazy. Even if Ivan-san would ask me directly, nope.
  11. Nah, I won't vote for them either but I actually know a lot of persons who are totally fallen for them.
  12. Well by all means, let's wait to find out if there'll be REALLY an adaption. Would suck if everything was just a dirty rumor.
  13. Nah don't worry, you're not alone. Mangagamer released that improved v2 patch two years after the first one.
  14. Please tell me what key has to do with the adaptions anyway?! They are just selling the rights to kyoto animations so that they are allowed to make an anime. Meh...too lazy to write more...
  15. I wonder why you can't vote for trap heroine btw...
  16. I totally meant this. Key is after all a visual novel company; anime adaptions are just for the extra money.
  17. Me and Ryu friends? *blush*
  18. Agreed, like I said, the violin was definitely my favourite char.
  19. Exactly, I only started to play the game because of the violin and the opening movie was actually also damn nice. Yeah, I seriously love rock with a violin backup. But well like you said, besides two awesome songs, nothing. I personally didn't find rihu's route that emotional either, I read better stuff. So no tears on my side.
  20. Well after my agth-atlas journey I probably became very tolerant when it comes to mistakes.
  21. Well I don't pay any money for their translations so...
  22. Damn I never realized that she's wearing a mobile airbag, thx mate.
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