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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. If you see the whole thing and not just the true end, then you definitely have to agree with me. But well each their own.
  2. It's all in all a good game but also totally overrated. The true end was damn awesome but also a big pain in the ass to unlock. Seriously, make sure to use a walktrough. The other routes besides the main one weren't that good, same goes for the translation. From time to time you had to see a : "Not translated." message in the textbox. What the fuck man? Anyway, the bgm was great and the game is definitely worth to play. But it's not a 10/10 pure awesomeness game, that's for sure.
  3. Nah, just wait another year and you'll see that even you're able to have some guilty pleasures. It's the same as people who are saying that they don't have fetishes, seriously, that's not possible...
  4. Nah, I finished up to now something like 60 visual novels and the h's in them were totally unimportant for the story. And if they were necessary, then because of a totally stupid facepalm reason. (f/sn, wanko to kasurou, demonbane) I like h's when they're placed at the right point of the game. They should be something like a reward for playing a route. I also dislike the "confession->10sec later->kiss->10sec later->sex" way of handle things, it feels just wrong.
  5. That's the reason why I usually prefer the all age version of key's games. I played the adult version of air and tomoyo after though. The scenes in air were pretty bad and in tomoyo after something around decent. Well I play visual novel only for the story anyway.
  6. One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e – Walkthrough - « XayKogeki Google, 10sec...
  7. http://sagaoz.net/savedata/yarawa/wanko_yattakun.LZH Extract the file into your game folder (where the other save game is) and everything will be unlocked.
  8. Nah it's actually a good game as long as you like the gameplay. The rest (bgm, story, character development) was quite bad. Well it was nevertheless very enjoyable.
  9. Being old doesn't make a visual novel more attractive for getting a translation than newer ones. It's actually the other way around. People tend to translate newer stuff because the old games may have a crappy art.
  10. I can totally understand your emotions. I cried back then too...because of the crappy translation not the story. Oh and who the hell was haruka? Wasn't she that little girl? The first two chapters were indeed damn boring (at least in my opinion) but the last chapter feat yuuko and yuu...awesome shit. So yeah, the visual novel is actually all about the last chapter, the rest wasn't that good. I personally also liked chihiro's story but that's it. I was never able to stand kei, miyako or that kuze violin guy. And the anime sucks compared to the game, just sayin.
  11. Hey babe, I've to admit it, I don't have a penis AND a vagina...do you still love me?
  12. Don't make it sound like it would be something unusual to go off topic, it's in nearly every thread the same thing.
  13. Seriously, don't call this shit a route. It was just something like 50 disappointing lines. I played the all age version of kanon and so I can't help you, sorry.
  14. OH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! Which idiot voted for "Either, will do"??? Seriously man, you can choose between brother or sister, so do it!!! >.
  15. Exactly. It's all about the chouch. There's even a secret couch route in the game, be sure to check it out.
  16. So she wants to have a fist right in her face? No problem man, let me do it!
  17. That title, the game must be awesome.
  18. No. And I also don't want to see all those big boobs and loli pictures. OneManArmy, over and out...crzzz...
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