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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. Don't believe him! He's a person who always thinks about commiting suicide. Just take a look at his avatar! Dammit! He's doing it again! Cru3l-san! NOOOOOOOO!!!! On a serious note, this is a forum where you can basically post whatever you want as long as you don't insult or harm other people. I still don't get why people who don't care about a thread, like your recommendations, are posting comments nevertheless. It's like those people on youtube who are watching videos of bands they can't stand just to write comments about how they don't like that band. Maybe I'm getting old but such action
  2. Thanks for your answer, I may visit that chat in the future ... ah what am I lying for, I won't.
  3. It's a playground for hackers =\
  4. If somebody breaks the first ground then other people will follow.
  5. Too bad that the second half was nothing but a damn sexfest.
  6. Reminds me that I tried to make my own music two years ago and failed like a boss.
  7. All that vndb provides us with is a single screenshot. Not sure how you can call that promising. Or did you get your promising informations from another source? If yes then please share a link. Nevermind. Because of some weird reasons the first link wasn't highlighted and so I didn't clicked on it.
  8. When you got sober then you'll most likely try to forget about this thread.
  9. I literally didn't spend a single second on it because I'm still waiting for the someone who apparantely works on a ED track to send me that...well...track so that I can start to write a song.
  10. And now just imagine how awesome a much more detailed version of episode 2 would be. ... Imagination finished? Then forget the manga and continue the VN!
  11. Yo! Deso! What are you doing these dayso?

  12. Don't use the golden truth for something like this!
  13. Fuck yeah! Since the beginning of the translation project I was always hoping that they won't give up because the game sounds seriously interesting! And now it's finally out! Wooot! \o/ ... Wait, I don't have any time at all.
  14. Well, this time I'll be way more serious about the whole thing because it's gonna be an ED for a game in which people invested a huge amount of time. Back then when I recorded the clannad OP I was drunken and randomly decided to click the record button of audacity without even having the right lyrics.
  15. Don't forget those annoying tit and panty shots -.-
  16. Just make an effort and join the project as well so that we can form the amazing DOD (Dan OMA Desi) sandwich!!! \o/ PS: I still didn't invest a single second in that ED song though...
  17. At first everybody is sceptical as shit and now you can find a shitload of translation requests, lol.
  18. Reminds me that I still haven't finished Higurashi and I started to play the game at 28.05.2011 ... I believe I'm in the middle of chapter 6. So yeah, go me! \o/
  19. Umineko? Are you serious? It's one of the worst games ever. The story is badly paced, the characters are plain and annoying, there are no voices whatsoever, the graphics are beyond horrible and the music will turn your ears into a sea of blood. You may wonder why it has a high vndb rating but that's nothing but a huge trap. It's like an insider in the vndb community and so everyone gives it a high score so that people like you will fall for it. Seriously, fuck those people who made me play a shitty game like that. And now after spreading those lies, let's get out of here ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ・_
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