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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. I can't play chaos;head because of my crappy laptop. It always gives me a black screen after 10min. And no, I already searched through the internet for a solution.

    Snow Drop is shit, I dropped the game yesterday. As for Never7, meh, maybe but I'm not planning to play that game.

    As for 7th expansion, I already read Higurashi chapter one and two and I'll definitely play Umineko in the near future.

  2. We'll see. And here are the VNs I already finished : Votes by onemanarmy

    There also a bunch of VNs I played but didn't give a score.

  3. And now, after dropping Snow Sakura, I've absolutely no idea what to play. Fuck. =\

    I've currently only low rated VNs on my laptop like Adam Factor or something. So again, fuck.

  4. It's pretty much this CG --> /Lavria/#551521 - Zerochan

    I believe there was a sex scene right after the CG but I'm not entirely sure.

  5. I just found out that Snow Drop doesn't contain a route for the sister heroine and so I dropped the game. I wasn't even able to get one end besides the normal/bad one. By all means, never, never touch this game without any alcohol.

  6. That's right. The menu doesn't have any sounds and the game doesn't have any music for the first minutes. ... If I remember correctly this is.
  7. Woot!!! \o/ I really adore the favorite's art and cute heroines.
  8. I've to work seven days in a row and I already reached the sixth day...you can't imagine how exhausted I am. =\
  9. Sharin Fd patch v2.rar Edit : Shit, I forgot to refresh this page before writing my comment...
  10. There are so many reasons to not play that game. 2/10 is still a very high score though. =D
  11. Too bad that I already read the visual novel.
  12. Duel Savior eh? I was only able to endure one route. Why wasn't there a skip battle function???
  13. For fuck's sake! Respond to my god damn messages!!! >.<

    Yeah, I'm bored.

  14. I'm currently playing Snow Drop because it's short and apparently crappy. It's a perfect game to pass the time until the full patch for Rewrite is released.
  15. *looks at comment below*

    Well, that's ulti for you lol. Oh and don't give me any manga recommendations either coz I don't read mangas. As for Visual Novels, sure.

  16. Hoshimemo is the only good visual novel of this poll so yeah...
  17. I just finished Muv-Luv Unlimited and it was defintiely better than Extra but still pretty mediocre. Did I already mention those ugly looking battle clothes? Anyway, I gave it 6.6/10. Oh I also played Yuuko's route but she was only talking gibberish. Anyway, I finally know everything so that I can go for Alternative. \o/

  18. True, nobody wants that war. I forgot to comment on this. WOOOOOOOOT!!!!
  19. Well, if you take a look at vndb's screenshots then you can see at the left side some normal/flat chested girls but they probably don't have a route.
  20. And those boobs udders are exactly the reason why I don't care about the game.
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