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Everything posted by shihmeng91

  1. Without desktop those pic change every 5 min http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d61/shihmeng1991/usagidrop_7.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d61/shihmeng1991/956889.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d61/shihmeng1991/1028707.jpg
  2. This is how it work for me, go change your regional language into japan. And then only install. (If it still does not work, follow the extra step i do) Mount disk 1 and disk 2 together. Copy all disk 1 and disk 2 file into a folder(make new folder). Then only install...
  3. i play it at my second floor living room:cool:. Not i like want to play at there, it just that my desktop place at my house MAIN travel part = =". Well as for the question, about did i get caught when playing eroge game. NO... because, when i feel like it going to come out a sex-scene, i always make sure that no one at home or everyone sleep already, then only play it, but sometime i do play it when my family member still at house... My pc is at center of my house, so basically, whatever happening around i can hear it. Ex, foot step, their little chit-chat..., so it is easy for me to av
  4. 60++ hour @.@ is always the best, for my record most of those VN game that has more then 60 hour, it always get my rate of 8.0+
  5. I watched this episode a few week ago, and i having problem to understand the ending part. After Taizo Hasegawa(madao) win the competition and then he pass those money to the lone shake Then they reply and say something, and cause Hasegawa show a shocking face. Just what are they saying ?
  6. Tsunami ~ strike japan>.
  7. Har, i thought Saya no Uta already fully translated? Since i play thought the game, and did even see a part that yet been translate:confused:
  8. Well, i give 9/10 for that game, it kill my heart when he take up all the blame himself and push everyone way.(It kind like Code Geass). Sometime it just very confuse who is Kyousuke and Maou. Well guess that means the writer manage to pull my noes around
  9. Not sure i should i put this, if i already know the main story after watching anime, then most likely i less motive to play the VN, but still i will try. Yah agreed the VN game are more detail, but the anime is all route in one series.(less detail) XD
  10. I don't listen music too much, but i will DIG OUT the music, if i watch listen and feel good, when watching Anime, Tv or playing games. Well in this case i need to share the Muv-Luv Alternative opening, it boil up my blood and sprite. After all this music is all about Warrior that sacrifice their live for protecting something they care.
  11. Well for case, most of the VN that come out anime i will to try again, but not Clannad >. I feel like my heart start breaking, just to recall back the anime series ending.... Although i watch it 4 year ago. http://s2.vndb.org/cv/99/4599.jpg
  12. now these day many game beside VN game, luck of duration and require high performer. So i still playing civilization 5 and downloading Napoleon total war. Until i buy a new pc >.
  13. Muv-Luv & Muv-Luv Alternative The story is great, i am impress how much CG effect and CG. I almost dehydration because of that game....:'(
  14. i wont say i hate it, i just dislike the first girl that fall in love with the main character, and i dont mean the first route
  15. For me will be my first choice Shinji Then others not to sure i remember anyone as annoying as him. Well Ayamine Kei & Sakaki Chizuru from muv-luv will be my second choices. Only when they start arguing... http://s2.vndb.org/ch/55/155.jpg http://s2.vndb.org/ch/48/148.jpg
  16. Not sure i know any of my friend like to play ero games, but some of them willing to accept as long as good story...
  17. So has this game full translated to english ?
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