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Everything posted by desi

  1. I asked in the comments section on the website.. if he responds i'll post back here... but yeah, would of been better if they posted a log of what the patch fixes.
  2. Lol.. i tried it out and thought it was hilarious. Yeah it was pretty short, no routes, a few decisions that might get you a "bad" end.... I have no idea why I played it.
  3. I don't know if this was mentioned yet but they released a Hoshimemo patch 1.1 that fixes a number of issues with patch 1.0 and its available here. Doesn't exactly say what it fixes.
  4. desi

    Favorite Anime

    I have a VERY small sample size right now since I just got into watching anime but I just saw 5 centimeters per second and i thought it was great... very realistic and moving story.
  5. Yeah, like OneManArmy said, I probably should of stated MOST people. There are always exceptions but you tend to be attracted to people that don't grow up with you.
  6. Damn straight. I have to admit its one of my guilty pleasures while playing VNs, but i couldn't possibly think of having relationships with my sister, cousin, etc. I forgot what the actual term is called but something along the lines of growing up with each other, in the same household, etc doesn't make you attracted to those people vs a stepsister/step relative who you recently met.
  7. I think Bioware is just as responsible as EA is but there is no question when EA acquires a studio that they eventually turn out shit products.
  8. Hahaha, I wish. They are amazing though... it'll probably be completely done at the end of the year.
  9. Like Baldr's sky, they seem to be translating secretly in the depths of hell or somewhere where they can't get C&D'd... hopefully it stays that way.
  10. Yosuga no Sora handles incest pretty well (at least in the anime, haven't played the VN yet). Actually the update for the translation status was today after nearly a month of no updates. I'm assuming the common route is finished and they are working on Akiras route.
  11. Hmmm... I'm cautiously optimistic... then again I have poor judgement.
  12. ^ fellow ME3 player v probably a tsundere
  13. Oh wow... maybe it was removed? Otherwise, how the hell did I find this place. Anyways, good suggestion... forum will gain more users if we have a forum link on the header menu.
  14. desi

    Little Busters!

    I believe you'll have access to other routes but it won't be translated. The Ex "patch" is just a patch that enables users to have the regular Little Busters translated on the EX version. All the extra EX stuff won't be translated.
  15. No offense, tell your friend he has a screw loose in his head. EX and ME are just abbreviations for the Ecstasy and Memorial Edition versions.
  16. Whole series. To each his own though, some people might find it entertaining but just from looking at reviews it looks like its pretty bad.
  17. Yeah thats a nice link and all but for people that hang around on the forums, this thread is pretty helpful instead of remembering to check a different website.
  18. Yeah, it does but apparently its terrible.
  19. Hey.... how about that Chinami character?
  20. Thats true lol... my VN backlog is just massive right now, might as well add another one to the list.
  21. How was that VN btw? I've heard very mixed reviews.. not sure if I should check it out.
  22. Yeah, I understand. Just glad it isn't dead Now i'm just wondering if the 15+ version is being translated or the 18+ version. From Vndb, it looks like it is the 15+ version. Not a huge deal to me, just kind of curious.
  23. Lol... Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na is 100% translated but keeps progressing by only 1% a week editing wise. Looking forward to Grisaia no Kajitsu.
  24. You can usually check here for different VNs and if they have english patches available or if they are in the process of translating a particular VN. For this specific VN, its only available in Japanese right now with no hints of an english translation happening.
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