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Everything posted by desi

  1. Nope, no skip battle feature with Duel Savior... which is definitely a feature it could have used.
  2. Try downloading Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from Official Microsoft Download Center
  3. desi

    Yosuga no Sora

    It's not out.
  4. Posting the solution to your problem is always nice.
  5. You might like this one Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan: Totteoki no Uso - MyAnimeList.net. Short read, but I found it to be fairly good.

  6. You probably didn't install the restoration patch correctly. 1. Copy patch files into game installation directory. 2. Run apply_diffs.bat
  7. Being a moege doesn't mean it avoids drama though. Hoshizora is considered a moege. And i'm not saying moege = bad or anything, it's just a general classification.
  8. Have you tried right clicking on your desktop...?
  9. Just right click on your desktop and go to your Nvidia Control Panel. Then make sure it looks like this http://i.imgur.com/AvC6ylG.png... see if it's better now.
  10. Well, whenever you do find out If you have a Nvidia Card: http://i.imgur.com/AvC6ylG.png. Use aspect ratio and override scaling mode If you have an ATI card: follow this GPU-68: How to Configure GPU Scaling Option in AMD Catalystâ„¢ Control Center Intel graphics: Ctrl+Alt+F11
  11. Can I ask what kind of graphics card you have?
  12. 1. Yes Download english hentai games - Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete 2. It's all translated (quality isn't too good, but I won't really get into that). Download english hentai games - Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete - Uncensor Patch for the uncensor patch 3. I don't know. It's a moege. If you like cute art with cute characters and a simple story, then you'll probably like it.
  13. Nope! He still plans to translate the Rewrite FD and the two liar-soft titles. It's just that he'll be moving overseas for a job in November, so he said he won't be able to maintain the speedy progress that we usually see.
  14. It being liar-soft automatically makes it interesting.
  15. Steins;Gate Preorders Open Steins;gate preorders up for those that plan to purchase it, like myself.
  16. I'm a native English speaker, but I learned a foreign language just by listening to my parents/grandmother speak. I'm fluent enough where I can hold a conversation, but English is my first language. Guess that goes with being a second generation immigrant. As far as learning languages in school, a good number of high schools here in the United States require you to get a year or two of a foreign language of your choice (usually Spanish or French). AFAIK, if you don't do that in high school, you have to do it at most of the better colleges at least. It's not enough where you're fluent enou
  17. Well, i'm going to be honest and say this should be in the Eroge general section. The Games section is pretty much regarding discussions for anything except VNs/Eroges. It's okay though. fixed now Playing: Higurashi Looking forward to (I'll just limit this to translations and only some of them): Comyu, Grisaia sequels, Rewrite FD, Eustia if it ever gets done, I/O, baldr battler sky, subahibi
  18. Welcome to the forum. Sharin no Kuni is actually a pretty great VN and it's very beginner friendly. I'll give you that recommendation.
  19. There was something about it a few months back. Ixrec said it was a translation candidate for him after he finished it since he said the project was dead. But the editor said the project isn't dead, even though progress isn't being posted.. so who knows.
  20. Next game in the trilogy that is getting translated.
  21. I don't want to stir up another one of those dracu-riot convos, but Pretty sure anon got this wrong. Partial patch only has one route.
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