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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. It wouldn't make much difference and maybe make it even worse in some cases. I can't say for certain, but I would guess that there are a lot more homonyms in Japanese then English, so sometimes the kanji actually helps you figure out the correct meaning. If you know how to read Japanese really good it wouldn't make any difference (Pokemon games are written fully in hiragana/katakana), but if you're "not there yet" it helps to have the kanji sometimes. That's my experience at least. Also, please don't write romanji, it's rōmaji/romaji.
  2. ^ I meant "they got a translator who's willing to actually translate it", i.e., fuck the MT completely and do it proper. I don't really see how the MT would help. If you can't read without the help of a MT, you probably shouldn't translate stuff just yet. Not even the text hook is of any use if you have the scripts, which is usually the case.
  3. This is the same crap as the other MT'd eushully games, it's really not worth mentioning. There are probably some masochistic people would read actually with a machine translated script, though. Not worth the effort in my opinion. On the other hand, if they got a translator who's willing to actually translate it, that's fucking great.
  4. ^ For the same reason why Sony or Microsoft don't allow it on consoles -> because fuck you. @Harle - I agree. While the MG liar game is great, I think the Grisaia and Planetarian on steam are the best news we got this year (Higurashi was announced before). However, I don't know how likely it's going to be for Key to bring bigger titles on steam. They have been throwing Planetarian around before (android and whatnot) so it couldn't hurt to put it on steam, from their point of view. Think they did anything with the other stuff as far as I know. Doubt we should expect anything like LB on s
  5. ^ True, like it happened to DCIII. When it comes to VNs from MG's or JAST's partners, the best thing is to just keep quiet about the whole thing and put out a patch when it's ready. Hell, if you put out a quality TL patch they could even buy the script from you, assuming that they're not working on it themselves. A good example is Aroduc. While he didn't TL VNs related to MG or JAST, his "not announcing the project" trick worked pretty well against C&Ds. Doubt he did it just to mess with people.
  6. Here's the japanese walkthrough - Japanese walkthrough . I did a quick TL of that https://www.paste.to/76zSKwhl. It's a rough literal TL since I don't know what's going on, but it should help.
  7. Hmm, I can't be certain. Could you supply us with some spreadsheets and a few pie charts so we can give you a more accurate suggestion? Thanks. Edit: Also give us your estimate of the probability of the improbability of the chance that the TL might not occur in the time frame you have given. It may impact the choices greatly.
  8. 八月になったばかりの夜、事前に連絡もなく幹也がやってきた。 「こんばんは、相変わらず気怠そうだね、式。」 突然の来訪者は玄関口に立って、笑顔でつまらない挨拶をする。 Shadolance, do yourself a favor and put that into google TL or whatever.
  9. Your locale is not in Japanese. If it was you would get this setup screen http://i.imgur.com/iqOarqh.jpg. Follow this Changing to Japanese locale on Windows 7 | Eroge Download.
  10. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/world-end-economica-complete Already got funded.
  11. Just to add to what desi said, the "FD" is basically like LB:EX. It includes the whole game, it's a bit rewritten and has the newly added content (after stories). Same as LB:EX, there's a question at the start of the game asking if you've already finished the original game so you can go straight into the new stuff. There's no point in starting from the original game.
  12. ^ I think it'll be done tomorrow, seems reasonable to me.
  13. AAI2 Beta patch is out Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth: Prosecutor's Path (BETA)
  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. This - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2XieHlNiro. It's a h-scene track, I shit you not.
  16. Just to let you know, I dropped Tayu. It was really great in the common route, but after that I started to dislike it or various reasons up to a point where I really didn't want to continue with it. I almost finished Mifuyu's route, maybe other routes are a bit better, but at this point of my "japanese knowledge" I really can't waste time on something I'm not motivated to read. It's a real shame

  17. Happy Birthday Fattler!

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