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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. I think they realized that the show wasn't interesting enough as it was. So they decided to do that so they could introduce more attractive female characters because that was the only way they could get people to keep watching it.
  2. I'm doing that right now. Well, not right now, but I've been playing it.
  3. An update on Period: The last real route is complete. The remaining route is a bonus route, so it's really short. The final patch should be done any time now. Total progress: 96.64%
  4. Dan.


    That really is "Nuff said" - that was really the only point of this episode. It looks like the second novel will start from the next episode, so there will probably be another "big" mystery that spans several episodes.
  5. I'm waiting till it's done too, but it'll be a while since the total progress is only 37%
  6. Looks like the common route is almost done. Hopefully there will be a patch soon.
  7. It's time for Ryu's update anyway; it's been a week since the last one. There will probably be a new topic in a few hours.
  8. Yup, according to Kore wa Zombie expert Masao, And there was also the "episode 0" OVA I mentioned before
  9. You mean the original censored one? It doesn't really make a difference because even if it's "less" censored, it's still censored.
  10. ^yup, it will be censored, but it will be less censored than the japanese release. comparison pictures:
  11. It's not even 12; it's 10. Have you been reading this topic? There are only 10 episodes in the season. (There was an episode 0 OVA before, and there will be an episode 11 OVA, but not until October)
  12. By the way, that "3000%" thing was just an exaggeration. I don't know the actual figures or anything. That picture shows the top-selling books on amazon.co.jp and the red line is one of the Lovecraft books. The numbers on the left are its place (with #1 at the top) and along the bottom is the date.
  13. I heard the sales for that went up like 3000% on amazon.co.jp when haiyore nyaruko-san came out EDIT:
  14. wow, that game's a lot bigger than i thought. and you're doing it alone?
  15. It would be better if it was kanji with furigana do you could learn the kanji while you read it. But I don't know enough Japanese to be able to understand it even if it was all hiragana EDIT: you beat me to it How rude of everyone to laugh at me. I'm still learning you know!
  16. Did you try figuring that out (the riddle)? I got the riddle itself from the numbers, but I was looking at it too hard. The answer was much simpler than I thought it would be.
  17. But you have to know kanji for that... Memorizing thousands of kanji has to be the hardest part of learning Japanese.
  18. It's even worse in this show because, like Masao said, they compress entire volumes into one episode
  19. Listening to the Japanese while reading the English subs helps me understand japanese better than reading a big block of japanese would (which i can't even do)
  20. the "episode 13" was from season one. "episode 0" was season two. If you watch it, you'll see that it can't possibly be ep 0 of season one because it has all those characters that weren't introduced yet. Here's a source with more information than yours: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? OVA - MyAnimeList.net
  21. But we have to wait 6 months for episode 11... There was also that "episode zero" OVA that came out Apr 25, so the season has a total of 12 episodes, counting the OVAs.
  22. There's only one episode left, right?
  23. That image that's supposed to be there gives me a 404.
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