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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. I really do hope you can do it, though. It will be really hard (subliminal message), especially since you're going to keep playing eroge; the odds are against you. That's why I voted no, but I'm still on your side. Don't give up!
  2. I voted no. I really hope you'll prove me wrong, but I don't think you will.
  3. Dan.

    Fortune Arterial

    Then it's probably what I said after that.
  4. Wasn't there a bunch of stuff related to German in that show? Like the episode titles and stuff? Oh, and the title of the show itself. I wonder of they were translating it to German and all the German stuff in the show turned out to be completely wrong (I know the English stuff they put in anime is often wrong). Like that black guy someone posted before was pretty bad, but at least it was an American doing the voice. Most of the time they use Japanese people speaking "English" for those parts. It's awful. I'll get us back on topic. My nickname can be "Dan". It's ever-so-slightly shorte
  5. Dan.

    Fortune Arterial

    Here's a Japanese walkthrough: FORTUNE ARTERIAL Walkthrough I don't know if it will be much use. 瑛里華 = Erika 白 = Shiro 桐葉 = Kiriha かなで = Kanade 陽菜 = Haruna The yellow part is telling you that it branches from there, and to save. You load from there at the beginning of each other route. I haven't played the game yet, so I can't make one in English, and I'm not good enough at Japanese to translate it, but you can try using google translate and picking the choice closest to the translation. EDIT: Also, it looks like only the bad end has been translated so far, so it might be imposs
  6. Yeah, it might be the obligatory service episode; they'll probably be at an onsen or something. I also would like if there was some resolution in their relationship by the end of the show, but I don't know if there will be.
  7. Yeah, it's hard to get the right balance between literal and readable. For me, Horrible doesn't have that balance, but everyone has different tastes and opinions. It's not my right to judge, and I'm not trying to. I just wanted to share my opinion as well. I'm glad these forums haven't become a place where you can't share an opinion without starting a flame war. EDIT: Also, I don't by any means think Horrible is bad (that sounds a little weird, since they're called Horrible). I use them a lot for things that don't have a better group subbing them, or when the better group is slow and I
  8. Period's progress was updated to 92.66%. It doesn't look like that much change in the overall translation, but it was an increase of more than 8% in the individual route.
  9. I also love this anime. I knew Dubnubnub did too from his sig Not very likely. I haven't watched ep 6 yet, but they can't really change the relationship between Io and Tsumiki, since the whole point of the show is to have funny things happen because of this misunderstanding. Also, it's based on a comedy 4-koma. Those aren't really known for having dynamic characters and plots. I just realized maybe you weren't talking about their relationship, but whatever. I don't watch this show expecting anything other than lots of laughter, which I always get.
  10. Dan.


    It really did feel like it was only 10 minutes long, but that's probably a good thing. Because it was just four people sitting around a table talking, it's better that it doesn't feel too long. I agree that the 3rd episode was probably the best so far, but like you said, there's a long way to go before the end, so hopefully they'll get better and better.
  11. Dan.


    Four was another pretty good episode. Mostly it followed the novel. They added some stuff in that wasn't in the book (moving to the pond, Chitanda making onigiri, the rain and mushrooms). At first I was thinking, Why would they add these random things?. I generally prefer an adaptation to be as close as possible to the original. But then I realized that without that, it would be 20 minutes of four people sitting around a table talking, so they added in little things to change it up. KyoAni's pretty good at this anime thing, aren't they?
  12. Really? Their subs usually aren't that good. The only reason I like them is their speed. The subs themselves aren't that good. They translate too loosely.
  13. If you do that, they're never going to finish.
  14. There are some that are particularly bad, though. But even with those, you don't have to use them, but you don't have to complain either. You can always offer to help if you want to make them better.
  15. That's the right attitude to have for fansubs. Or anything else that's free. If you didn't pay for it, you can't complain about the quality.
  16. Dan.


    Yeah, this show doesn't really need one. But it's standard now for every single anime to have a beach or pool swimsuit service episode. It's kind of disappointing that it has to be that way. And they put them in everything, even when it makes no sense. But at least it will be an extra episode. Hopefully there will be some minor mystery at the pool or something so it's not just some crappy service. Also, thanks for mentioning it; I might never have known otherwise.
  17. Dan.


    I think she could actually be less bright, appearance-wise. She's supposed to look like a standard ojou-sama character, with long, dark hair and an air of refinement. Her personality and curiosity are supposed to be surprising. In the novel, only her eyes hint at her curiosity.
  18. There are, and in American animation they do that too. Adult men have deeper voices and young men's voices change, so they use women to do the voices of little boys and teenagers pretty often. For example, Bart Simpson from the American cartoon The Simpsons is voiced by a woman. My favorite VA's: Female - I like so many, but I'm gonna have to hop on the bandwagon and say Kugimiya Rie is probably my favorite too. I also really like Ookubo Rumi, who does the voice for Tsumiki in Acchi Kocchi. It seems like she hasn't been around that long, so she hasn't been in much else. Male - Fukuyama
  19. *Dan. pats OneManArmy* there there, it'll be okay
  20. Dan.


    Sometimes characters in light novel adaptations look just like the illustrations (e.g. Toradora or Haganai). I just looked at the illustration from the second book and Oreki and Chitanda look nothing like the illustrations, and Satoshi and Ibara are only vaguely similar. This is by no means a bad thing, though. They look much better in the anime. I just thought it was interesting, so I posted it here.
  21. Fixed...... lol, that's true too, I guess I was just trying to be optimistic
  22. At lots of libraries you can request to have books bought. You should look into it.
  23. Yeah, but the side effects aren't as bad as sleeping pills.
  24. Dan.

    Fortune Arterial

    I plan to, but only after it's complete.
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