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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. Dan.


    This episode was pretty far from the original. They condensed the content to make it all fit into one episode. There were originally three separate meetings on three separate days with the class 2-F students, and each one was a lot longer and had more deliberation afterwards on the part of the Classics Club. The characters of the class 2-F members also didn't match how they were in the novel as well as they could have. I'm always biased by the fact that I read the novel first, but I think I'd still be disappointed with this episode even if I hadn't. And they had a good opportunity for some hum
  2. That's still better than most of us here...
  3. On Baka-Tsuki, there is a translation of the Vol. 1 Prologue and incomplete chapters 1 and 3. There is a new translation project here that just started recently, we'll have to wait and see how they do.
  4. You'll have to learn Japanese first...
  5. Is it just jealousy, or is she also crazy? Because as far as I'm concerned, a girl has to actually be insane to count as yandere. If she's just very jealous that doesn't really count.
  6. All very good points, but this is about eroge, not anime (though a lot of that still applies).
  7. I'm using a real mac... that was the joke... Oh, and that transformation pack looks really good.
  8. I was looking through the older pages of thread and I saw this post: I thought I'd let you know, I have an even better OS X skin. It's called Mac OS X. Here's a screenshot: If anyone wants the wallpaper: Here's a bonus magic-eye wallpaper I made: 10 points to the first person who correctly guesses what it is
  9. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m517zc7gM21rqc9vo.png He just wanted to show everyone that he moved his widgets.
  10. wikipedia from what I can tell, 鴎 just means gull (as in the family of birds). The seagull specifically is 海猫. But this is off-topic and going on too long...
  11. No, it's the same (海猫), which means it's not just by chance. It would be the same as calling it a sea cat in english.
  12. Why do the Japanese call seagulls sea cats? umineko = umi (sea) + neko (cat) = seagull in english
  13. Something else you other than just use fill or stretch is crop the picture yourself. Sometimes you need to see what's right at the top, but there's lots of extra space at the bottom (or a similar situation). If you use stretch it will be deformed. But if you just use fill, it will cut off the top and bottom equally, so you'll lose some of what you want to see at the top and still have the extra space at the bottom. If you crop off some of the bottom it will look a lot better in stretch or fill than it would with the extra space still there. Or you can edit it in something like photoshop and ad
  14. He just tried to play a moege with a bad story
  15. This is what I was trying to say. Most people only think about buying a game after they see that it looks good. Then they either buy it just because it looks good, or they research it after that and if the story also seems good or there are good reviews they buy it. But I guess there are also people like this, though they are probably outnumbered, like Kami said. I don't even know enough about writers and stuff to do this. But of course the real hardcore fans would. Although I did look at other Key games because I liked one. This discussion reminds me of that game in The Wo
  16. This is pretty much true. You need moe to sell something. It's just expected now.
  17. Dan.


    It pretty much matched the novel, except for some small details. There's not much to say since this was just an intro to the next arc. Watching their movie was just painful with that bad acting. I agree that female Oreki was the only slightly amusing part of this episode.
  18. You and I have different definitions of 'character'. You say 'play for the characters' meaning play a game with a bad story for the attractive characters. But I say 'play for the characters' meaning play a game with bad art for the well-developed, thought-out, dynamic characters. (which are one of the things that makes a story good)
  19. Wow, already 3 pages an hour after it was started I voted for story. Story is way more important than moe, but of course the best games have both.
  20. I don't know which games you have installed, but dear drops is a fairly new game; it has higher system requirements than older games EDIT: System Requirements (from mangagamer): Required CPU: Pentium III 800MHz Recommended CPU: Pentium 4 1.4GHz Required Memory: 256MB Recommended Memory: 384MB Required Resolution: 800x600 Required Colors: 16bit colors Recommended Colors: 24bit colors Required Graphics: 4MB VRAM Recommended Graphics: 32MB VRAM DirectX: DirectX 8.1, Direct3D
  21. That error message says your display adapter is not supported. there's a problem with your graphics card you should try updating the driver first and trying again but the problem might be the hardware itself your computer might not be able to play it
  22. or they can just click on this link
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