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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. Overall progress for Period went up to 94.83% I'm glad to see something is happening with Air. I heard Kud Wafter was pretty bad; things like they ruined the character because the writers were different. I'll have to wait and see.
  2. We learned about Catalan in Spanish class. We also learned about Galician and Leonese. And Basque, which is nothing like Spanish and isn't even a Romance language. I find languages very interesting and I wish I could speak all of them, but I can't keep anything straight in my head except English.
  3. I have heard of it. It's spoken in one of the regions of Spain, right? And it's similar to Spanish and French, right?
  4. So, Spanish, English, and Japanese... What's the other one?
  5. hmm... I think that would probably hurt, rather than help.
  6. That's really impressive. I learned a lot of Spanish in high school, but I forgot most of it since I stopped going to Spanish class after I graduated. I tried to speak Spanish recently and I kept thinking of various Japanese words that I learned just from watching anime instead of the Spanish ones. I don't know how you can keep 4 languages straight in your head. I get everything jumbled up just knowing some Spanish and a little bit of Japanese.
  7. I used Livemocha for Spanish in high school. Being able to talk to native speakers was great. I also recommend it. Oh, and Rosetta Stone is only expensive if you pay for it...
  8. Dan.


    That's what it seems like at first, but then Oreki realizes the real reason she wanted to know. She actually doesn't like being angry, and she wanted to find out why the teacher made that mistake so that her getting angry was also a mistake. This episode was supposed to give insight into the character of Chitanda.
  9. Oh yeah, Clannad After Story. It's even my avatar and I didn't realize.
  10. Sometimes just the fact that they exist is important (as in, the fact that she's pregnant is important)
  11. Well, not at the start, but by the end a lot of them have kids.
  12. Dan.


    lol it was probably a random mystery to take up space between long arcs
  13. Dan.


    I just watched episode 6. It wasn't the beginning of the next novel (the first novel ended in ep. 5), but I think it might have come from volume 4, based on the episode title. From the preview, it looks like the next episode won't be volume 2 of the novels either. I don't really care either way, but I thought I'd mention the info. This part was funny:
  14. I never use eroge/anime/manga/etc. wallpapers. I get multiple pictures and have it cycle through the folder and change every minute. I like stuff like pictures of the ocean, close-ups of grass with water droplets, and different patterns. Sometimes I get a picture and photoshop different variations. I have a folder of several pictures of a tree in a field with all different skies behind it. My current wallpaper is 3 different pictures of rain that change every minute:
  15. Dan.


    It's pretty good. It's slice of life and mystery, so you shouldn't watch it expecting any action or drama. That is an interesting picture. I posted the picture that the second column (2002) comes from, but I hadn't seen the other ones. Thanks.
  16. Thanks for explaining this. I totally didn't get it. Oh right. I was too lazy to go back a page and look. Thanks for all the information. Are the light novels translated? And how do they compare to the anime (if you've read them, which it seems you have)?
  17. I don't think anyone understood the sparkles. 4 episodes is a long time. There's a lot you can do in 4 episodes. It's one third of a 12-episode season. There will probably be something good. Although so far, it seems like they care even less about the plot this season than they did the first season. But there was a comment earlier in this thread from someone who read the manga, I think, that said it should be getting better soon.
  18. They would occasionally show Kyouko imprisoned in previous episodes, so I thought they would be fighting her again, but then it was just this (they have a mixer, then she stabs Ayumu, hugs him, and inexplicably disappears into sparkles). It was kind of disappointing.
  19. So that was her going back to jail? I still don't get it but whatever. She didn't disappear, I guess, since she sent Ayumu a fax telling him Chris's weakness.
  20. It was a pretty good episode, but I didn't get the ending. Why did Kyouko melt away into light?
  21. Too bad, but nine days isn't that bad, especially if you were just doing it twice a day. And if you can go nine days, then it should be easy to decrease to only twice a week. lol - not "just a normal person" - "just a normal pervert" at least you realize this
  22. Don't worry, he's just some kind of freak. It is much harder for normal people than it is for Dubs. And even harder for perverts. Sorry Dubs, you're a freak.
  23. I think you mean it was an inside joke because only the people he kept in his rape dungeon knew about it but then they got out and told everyone else about it.
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