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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. Nice updates so far, and all the new ones, man, what a ''shitload''. My instincts tells me, mangagamer decided to pick up a haystack from the vndb? Also alot of nukige this time, good stuff. SPOILER VERSION:
  2. Thank you kind sir :)

  3. Thanks alot Battler :)


    I'll never forget the <3

  4. xD xD xD xD


    I can't say i appreciate that, but thanks :)

  5. Thx desi :)

  6. Thanks :o


    Can you translate that please? xD

  7. Fluffy

    Thank you very much :)

  8. Dat's racist .. i hate them too so then well... MoeNovel, wat the fck are you doing?
  9. ^ he always makes cool spoilers, and this thread needs to get back alive !!
  10. 7/10 Stár where are you? if you're still alive, please don't call me a yellow spoon mkay?
  11. Most of the time i use my headphones, Roccat Kave 5.1. My speakers is only for da musicz
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5LILChvqUo4#!
  13. http://sadpanda.us/images/1702176-CNM3WMR.png
  14. Steam = svamse I know the name is a bit nonsensical
  15. http://sadpanda.us/images/1697780-CYTGRST.gif WATWATWATWATWAT...!
  16. To Gerard: -.- And loppez why are you so upset with sc2? this is the Eroge Forums!
  17. what am i doing? F.... I i see what you did there! I v
  18. BONUS: The winner of this game will receive an unique game key for Steam or Origin! Enjoy and be polite
  19. Rules: 1)No double posting! 2)No locking/closing/hiding/moving the thread to win. 3)Post whatever you like, but you have to be sure, that the content you're posting is something others agree with! 4)If there isn't a post after 48 hours, then the last person will win. Enjoy
  20. Happy Birthday! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  21. is it high amounts of gore, or just a small amount?
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