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Everything posted by kn1000a

  1. Thank you Ray, that allows me to run the game now : D For any people with the same problem: Seems like doing it once is enough, the next time you run it it from the normal shortcut/file should be fine. http://i.imgur.com/baSrria.jpg Got this error though, but then again all that matter is the game running lol ~
  2. Hello, welcome to the community! The multiple .rar files are acting just like a single one - if you downloaded all of them belonging to a game, just open one and extract it to somewhere, you will get the whole game. Also because of this, if one of those .rar is corrupted or you didn't fully finish downloading it, it will not let you extract any of the other .rar files of the same game (usually it will show you an error message while extracting). For game recommendations, I played Huniepop too but just haven't play any other games with the same feel to it, so I guess someone else can fill
  3. While not an admin here, I downloaded all my VNs from this site, and I assure you no virus included, not even any suspicious files. Stuff you download from here are pretty straightforward, some even come with guides. However do note that these files are hosted on other websites, which might include pop-ups and ads on your browser (you know, those annoying ad windows that appear whenever you click on a button...). Those, if handled incorrectly, will have a higher chance of giving you viruses. http://i.imgur.com/47E4A5t.jpg (this is usually where we download the files from, depending if you
  4. kn1000a


    Thank you for responding and bringing the subject up again. I retried just now and somehow things went smoother this time - I was able to install the game then the English patch. I followed your post about the no-CD crack, so I am thankful for posting it! I do have an error message like this everytime I try playing the game: http://i.imgur.com/JrTWgJE.jpg Don't really understand what it said, but the game still load after I clicked OK. Thanks again for the help~
  5. Just noticed this thread o.o I would have write a longer post but with my time limited i will just link them with gifs like others I guess... In order from best to bottom: 1. Fate/Stay night UBW 2015 2nd Season - Decent, but still lacking compared to its predecessors... http://i.imgur.com/d0OX2FA.gif 2. One Punch Man - Parodi-ly epic. (yes that's a made-up word) 3. Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - One of the best fantasy anime I watched. Just that one anime I was looking for. 4. Overlord - A really good fantasy anime. Not everyone will, however, find i
  6. This is all I saw in your post



    (Of course I will never have time to do that in one sitting... I did on a few occasions for anime and that was only twice in my whole life)


    Seriously though I got the game. Heard it's a feely/goody romance trip, and is actually short. Thanks for the recommendation~

  7. Made by yours truly




    (Also I just realized that I downloaded 3 more VNs to my PC without thinking about how I might be getting a little addicted...)

  8. kn1000a


    So I was trying to install this game when I got this error http://i.imgur.com/HalTvbc.jpg Don't know how to solve this. Also it might be because some files are missing from the original download. And yes I did completely/fully download it. I have the PlanetarianRetail file, the KINECTICDATA folder from the voice patch, and a Crack folder with only a "planetarian" application, which gives me the above error message when ran. Because of this error I can't run the Japanese installer - it makes me abort it halfway. (I did put the KINETICDATA folder in the Planetarian path too and try runn
  9. モテすぎて修羅場なオレ - MoteOre - ??????????? Idk why just randomly found it on the net and thought it would be good as a second VN for me (I'm currently under heavy influences by Noble Works, someone send helps...) Got the game downloaded too, unfortunately no English patch... http://i.imgur.com/x5Y6f6Y.jpg
  10. lol nah I'm not like that Maybe during free time or after school... but even that is just maybe... Also I am at the last few parts where h-scenes won't likely to show up so I'm safe ~
  11. Genius or madness? http://i.imgur.com/rkUZtNd.jpg So I tried out this remote connection service that allow easy connection between devices (computer to phone/tablet, vice versa etc.). The good thing is the connection is pretty stable and the sounds 80% in sync, so this is actually usable... (I know it sounds dumb that I'm playing like this, but then again I'm outside of my house more than I would want to. So if the situation arises...) ~
  12. Well since you represent the neko country, here is a pic to celebrate your holiday:



    (If you didn't know it's Neko Day today <3)


    And I also take it that you're playing the second volume of Nekopara?

  13. If I can pick one I will also go for Ayakashibito, but for now I won't vote because I think I will drop out of the next VN reading... Currently I'm on the very last few scenes in the current route of Noble Works, but as I mentioned before I wanna try out the other routes too So instead of barely finishing the game in time and then jump into the next one instantly, I will withdraw and enjoy more of Noble Works' other routes... ~
  14. Was playing Noble Works just now when I was an hour into the game and (because of this storm we're having) my whole neighborhood has a blackout... I ended up with unsaved data and this fancy-looking description I screenshoted
  15. Thank you Geass!



    '(just accept this pic in return)

  16. Thanks! ^-^



    (here's a picture of neko for your awesomeness)

  17. ty based neko



    (today's episode of musaigen is filled with nekos for some reason...)

  18. http://orig06.deviantart.net/18c6/f/2016/027/5/a/konosuba___bluff_by_kurisu_by_gifinterest-d9pjitb.gif
  19. Tbh after the first few days in-game the rest was not too time-consuming to play since days are shorter and all still hoping I finish in time for the Sena route http://i.imgur.com/aGc6t6e.jpg
  20. Have to go on some random site for this song, a full version one at that http://www.nhaccuatui.com/bai-hat/hoshi-furu-sora-aogi-mite-suara.Yu64yTS3RkKt.html This second ED from Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen is beautiful~
  21. I wasn't planning on doing any other routes, but I think I will do hers too since too kawaii http://i.imgur.com/WtTKHlK.jpg
  22. Is it bad that when I reached this scene, before I even know anything, I thought that there will be a sensei route 98% sure... And I was right checking the walkthrough... Can I assume that I have the godly VN sense now even though I'm a beginner? http://i.imgur.com/pqPydtn.jpg
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