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Everything posted by Exsilon

  1. Ren'ai x Royale https://vndb.org/v28633/chars It about to get release too
  2. Why translated the "Tokimeki Memorial" name into "Heartthob Memorial" 555+ Just why?!? But nevertheless great news.
  3. Somehow I find the name Nope Nope Nurse somewhat meme-y and hilarious
  4. Look fun with lot of inside joke I presume? will check it out ofc~
  5. Such an oldies games. the fisrt one released in early 2000 Man I feel old 555+
  6. No, I don't thinks so. Cant blame them though 2020 had been real crap year. I wont be too surprise if Allien attack the earth in this year tbh.
  7. And... due to IRL stuff I just able to start readibng today lol so far so good probably might not even finish in time Orz....
  8. What with all the "suggestive" plot lol Ps. yech I knew it is an all age title but well you know.
  9. Yes, Why not? Even I probably will not finish all the routes. It would be fun to have a VN of the month to read and discuss
  10. Looking into the works of the studio that made Ishu Aigan. Well.... that was new I guess, Visited the weird part of the Internet again lol Some of those Eroge are extreme and niche as heck Probably around the same level of WTF as one of the porn I saw somewhere at Akihabara that somehow involve a stupid among of goldfish.... Yech Japan never fail to amazed me.
  11. Not much this week huh? Thank for the update anyway my good man!
  12. Mujaki no Rakuen A Neet guy going back in time and re-live his childhood, Armed with adult knowledge. he change his boring childhood into harem one muhahahaha! (ofc this mean loli ecchi manga)
  13. Aren't we all? "relics" huh kinda have a nice ring... of being old 555+
  14. Thank you your well wishes :)

  15. For me True Love, Nocturnal Illusion, Tokimeki Check-in! (a pain to made the BGM work though) and Same as Ivan these games are something of a nostalgia for me. I still remember playing them till daybreak couple of times.
  16. Yosuga no Sora still alive! good good goooooood lol good old time
  17. Well I been busy with RL stuff 555. Still I alway drop by EG, I guess old habit died hard yes?

  18. hey there Thank you for the well wished!

  19. I have played through the original sprites in all 6 parts Should give this one another read as well.
  20. @Omega I dont want to start a debate as much as you do, going nitpicking about the format is actually just me being an annoying prick to the first poster that all. As for your format it is what people from the usa thinks of and i will leave it at that. Oh yech the avartar of mine, she is Noire from the Hyperdimension Neptune series.
  21. There is translation for this game? I first saw it as a song for Jubeat music game so I guess the game must be quite good. Also, just to be annoying(to the first guys at least) : the correct way of day time writing is 9/03/15
  22. Exsilon

    Purin to Ohuro

    When you put it that way then yech it pretty dark, still if you played it for the lol I guess this senseless violent is sort of funny imo
  23. Exsilon

    Purin to Ohuro

    555+ Isnt this game I already posted? it actually here https://erogegames.com/social/games-lobby/3298-random-ecchi-games/ Anyway with that aside what is this one version Ivan? is it included an H scene? If this is a even newer version then goodie!
  24. Sorry but mm/dd/yyyy doesnt made logical sense to most people I used dd/mm/yyyy as it is from small to big unit of measurement I can stand yyyy/mm/dd as it is from big to small unit As for your US pattern is just a mass
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