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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. I forgot all about that joke I had with Nobu lel.. You don't get more "vanilla" than Snake in a sailor outfit my friend, I dare you to find a more vanillaesque picture than that.
  2. No need to hide that it got you off too.
  3. http://i61.tinypic.com/svs8jk.jpg I regret nothing.
  4. I have no idea why it's repeated over and over again in the video though.
  5. http://i60.tinypic.com/2lb18gi.jpg
  6. More possibility with a VN in terms of how dark they can go imo, at least for what they seem to want to do with it that is.. You can tell from the Anime version that Euphoria won't be for those with a light heart that's for sure.
  7. http://konachan.com/image/301e662847bf9e36c5b8d93a3578b9b6/Konachan.com%20-%20158482%20animal%20brown_hair%20cat%20catgirl%20clouds%20dark%20grass%20moon%20night%20original%20scenic%20seifuku%20shiira%20sky%20stars%20tail%20windmill.jpg
  8. It's not taken directly from an Anime but it's an image of Kirishima Touka from Tokyo Ghoul. Original found here.
  9. [video=youtube_share;MLAORGaM-g4] [video=youtube_share;-CVT6xAraFk] Music has helped my recovery a lot.
  10. [video=youtube_share;c-dTtBd8mN0] Wtf is Hippy music as well...
  11. http://konachan.com/sample/91c04fb953ed21d29821b5ca8fdbf7cd/Konachan.com%20-%20175451%20sample.jpg For lovers of twintails.
  12. Listening to this on repeat for a while, found that it helps to keep a cool head whilst working ^.^ Also this....
  13. http://konachan.com/sample/bbedb422ec62fefb25a764c71db69ace/Konachan.com%20-%20140127%20sample.jpg
  14. http://puu.sh/6qyql.jpg Felt like a change.
  15. ^ As much as I love pizza, I doubt eating it when you're sick would do you much good o.O v Hopefully is better at multitasking then I am.
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