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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Had to reformat my PC last week and decided to switch back to an old wallpaper.
  2. MG go into translating a game knowing people will have to pay to play their translated game, Fan translators can't force people to pay for the translated game.
  3. By Loppez's logic, if he doesn't want money then he isn't a good translator.
  4. Again, stop judging everyone by your standards, just because you have seen some translators want money for what they do don't mean they all do.
  5. Question, is the DLC for Agarest on steam worth buying? it's only like £2 extra..
  6. That's not a fact you mentally deficient moron, that's your personal opinion on it.
  7. Why are you proving my point for me.... He's embarrassed at the fact that the only pass time he's had for years is that he's translated porn games... so obviously if we pay him he's going to want to continue with that being his only pass time? Again, it's you forcing your stupid expectations onto other people.. you're just assuming if we paid him that he would continue to translate it which quite clearly, he wouldn't.
  8. I can feel my IQ pouring out of my ears trying to reply to someone like you, you refuse to acknowledge the truth.. Not all projects being dropped are to do with money problems on the translators behalf, Look at Dracu-Riot.. reason for being dropped? Personal problems. Does it state anywhere on the post that he would restart the Project if someone was to pay him? No.
  9. So by your logic, Translators pick "shit" projects in order for people to be like 'Omg y r u translating that shit VN?!? here take my moneyz and this random VN title i want translated and translate it for me!! you now owe me becuz i paid u 2 do dis 4 me now do it!'
  10. Don't judge everyone here by your stupid and quite pathetic standards. He's asking a genuine question, one that I myself also was mind boggled over after reading Ryu's weekly VN update thread sometime last year for the first time.. asking myself why some of those games were being translated instead of ones that I wanted to be translated.. it's natural human instinct that they'll rate something they want themselves over something everyone else wants.
  11. Of course they're going to sell... think of the amount of people round the world that play eroge.. the interests of Peach Princess and what their games are for are appreciated by some and not others so a 3.9 on VNDB doesn't count for every single eroge players vote.. only those that use VNDB.
  12. What you consider to be shit isn't necessarily shit to everyone else.
  13. Still better than every single thing with MLP in it..
  14. Thank you for the suggestions guys, any idea which one I should start with?
  15. 60-90MB?... I had no idea anime came in 144P form... Also, I have a BakaBT account which I rarely ever use anymore that I would of let you borrow if not for their stern policy on having to give back equally to what you take ( Downloading a certain amount without uploading a certain amount will get your account locked until you meet the download to upload ratio minimum amount ) Also I have to agree on that SedotMini thing.... Please don't tell me people are actually paying to download others work when all they've done is downscaled the anime to give it a smaller file size....
  16. I've been fairly out of touch with my Anime side this year due to IRL problems and the likes, I've missed out on a lot of things and I've only watched the Animes that have actually been suggested to me ( Which are mostly Mainstream ones ) and wondering whether there are any particular ones that are worth picking up from this year, only ones I've watched from this year are pretty much Shingeki no Kyojin, Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, the latest season of Highschool DxD and a few others..... yes that is actually all of this years anime that I've watched, I feel like I'
  17. 4/10... It really looks like the resolution of that image has been cut down just in order for you to have it as an avatar and it's pretty much impossible to read the text or see what the image actually is... ;s
  18. Cross Channel as it's the first eroge I've played in a while since I played School Days when it was first released >.> Have Utawarerumono to play after that..
  19. Elaborate on when it went mainstream? ;s I liked it because it wasn't one of those typical "let's throw tons of fan service in there show them some tits and some panty shots and make them think about sex" anime's and the romanced relationship was sort of cute :L and thank you, I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it was for the life of me >.> Also now that I remember who she is I'll change it to a 9/10
  20. He said Miu's route was the reason to why he really wanted to start subbing it, Than retires when it's the last route to be translated >.> in fairness she does have the 2nd longest route in terms of line amounts.
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