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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. If they hit every shot that they fired in the Anime, I'd of dropped it after a couple of episodes because you know, that shit isn't "realistic".. Disliking an anime because of the fact they missed a some/a lot of shots is pretty pathetic.
  2. From reading "Animated Scenes" I'm just gonna go ahead and pop This here as the whole things pretty much an anime from what I can remember, I never actually got round to finishing it even after waiting god knows how long for it to be released.
  3. I had indeeed heard the second one, I think back when it was uploaded to Pandoric ;o which was where I actually initially first heard of Kill Paris ^.^ He's produced a lot of nice songs, found a few classics and a few recent songs a couple of days ago so may as well share them with you.. May of sent me a couple of those, not too sure..
  4. Mehhhhh My bad, didn't mean to send you stuff you'd already heard.. hopefully you may not of heard some of this stuff. http://youtu.be/bAueyYq6lSE
  5. I'm also confused.. this guys asking for suggestions, not your massive lectures which you're using to show your undying love for each other, For once there was an argument and Loppez (R.I.P) wasn't the reason behind it. OT: I would suggest Saya no Uta as well for the simple reason the Protag doesn't "Suck"..
  6. Ohhhh a lot of people I sent that song too got addicted to it >.> I overplayed it and ended up getting bored of it ;(.. Oh you badass, knew it was on repeat yet didn't change it ;o and mmmm I've liked most of the stoof you've linked as well, though the ones you think I've heard, I've not actually heard yet :> I have a feeling you've probably already heard this one ;o Chances are you've heard the Savant one considering you're the one that introduced me to Savant in the first place :>
  7. Wait wait wait, Suck penis or suck in general? But seriously, suck in what way?
  8. Just finished the Sono Hanabira Ni Kuchiduke o series ( Of the ones that are translated ).. was pretty enjoyable ;o now to make a start on Koihime Musou...
  9. It's pretty astounding... It's like morning sex... but to your ears instead of your genitalia ;o It's a pretty amazing start to the day if I have to be honest .> I'll have to find some better stooof to send to you to make up for it ^.^ http://youtu.be/CZTOzwCpSG0 I can't make up my mind whether I like this song or whether it's just catchy but meh ^ Forgive me if they're not to your liking, they're pretty different to what I'd normally suggest but these are old favorites of mine ;o
  10. I'm sure someone will get butthurt over my opinion of it so I was just using it as a post warning. The same can be said about my Win 7 though, everything's running perfectly fine after using it for years, I'm sure there are lots of new shiny features in Win 8 but I doubt I'll ever use them nor is there any urgent need for me to upgrade therefore I won't :>
  11. Unfortunately he's not very active anymore, even then since he got signed on with Monstercat earlier in the year all of the few things he releases get put straight on there :/ I'm bashing my head against my desk trying to think of some new things that you may not of heard of but it's late and my brain isn't working too good ._. Forgive me if I've linked you to some of those before, I have a really strange feeling I sent them to you last year :/ http://youtu.be/BKOVPevbnzY You've probably heard this before as well, but I play it almost every morning when I get out of bed to
  12. Lost interest when it got to; This really is just my opinion, I just don't think there's that big of a deal upgrading from Win7 to Win8... So please don't get butt hurt over it.
  13. You're the only abnormality I need in my life Loppez, be mine
  14. Idk the exact reason for me liking them, it's just a little preference that I like, it adds mystery to the character and makes them stick out from the group ( Which is something I also like ) I guess I just like them having some kind of abnormality xD
  15. I swear trolls belong on 4chan... how do you go from 4chan to a forum about Eroge Games... ;s
  16. Well that be pretty understandable as it does take a lot of time and effort to find good music these days, more than happy to share what I've found with a fellow music lover though ;o it's mostly just music that I gathered over the summer anyway (: Also that album sounds like it'll be sexy.. not like that's a surprise though if it's savant ._. ty for the heads up [video=youtube_share;qOQSTTs-F-w]http://youtu.be/qOQSTTs-F-w
  17. Yeah but there are other people that use the thread too so they'd mind the spam xD And I sort of switch between a lot of channels as I can never find enough music to fill my appetite :/ Which is a problem that seems to keep happening ._.
  18. I'd post more but I don't want to spam you with tons of links all at one time (: We also seem use some of the same YouTube channels to get music o.O He's very underated..
  19. Well it's nice to see you're still good and well after all this time.. as for the suggestions I have accumulated quite a large amount of songs in my favorites but whether you'll like them is another matter ;o I hope you'll also be posting some suggestions as well as I strongly remember your music taste being similar to mine heh.. Don't listen to this with your volume on max, I swear the drop has nearly deafened me so many times because I listen to it too loud ;( Enjoy (:
  20. Omg it's you!? I remember when you introduced me to him ;o glad to see our taste in music is still as in sync as it used to be back then xD
  21. Gray haired Loli ( for the love of god make her chest size actually seem logical, no quadruple D sized heroine ) That would have my vote, plus a lot seem to like Loli's on this forum :L
  22. Everyone on this forum must of ended up playing this game atleast once, it was extremely popular at the time o.O I still remember the dolphin censorship..
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