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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. It's as Chex said, She's Alyn from Fairy Fencer F. Implying people who play eroge cannot have female friends.. and why would people be embarrassed by something as small as a picture on their desktop?
  2. ^ Incase you were curious. I'm also glad to see you're still alive and kicking VNH as it's been along time since I last saw you :>
  3. ^ Your posts are always so colorful o.O
  4. http://puu.sh/6bBNT.jpg Pretty plain but meh..
  5. Walkure Romanze - 2297/8037 lines of the prologue translated Love it, I remember when i first wanted to play that VN ;o
  6. Listening to some Rammstein for the first time in fuck knows how long... http://youtu.be/f4K6ZxDwi34 http://youtu.be/NteVmdoo1yI It feels good...
  7. You make it sound like I didn't enjoy Saya no Uta but its one of the few VN's which I've truly enjoyed. The fact being what happens in the game has a lot of shock value, hence why if they were only going to play it once, I would want that once to leave a scar that they won't be able to forget.
  8. Saya no Uta.. Because if they're only going to read it once, I'm going to completely fuck with their mind.
  9. It's only 17:18 here but meh, happy new year!
  10. I'm going to ignore the shitstorm that seems to of manifested in here and the fact I may be late welcoming you but meh.. Welcome and enjoy your stay for however long you're with us :>
  11. Aye, it's unfortunately pretty short which is sort of what I was expecting from reading the reviews before I played it :/ But meh pretty awesome nonetheless. As for that question I don't exactly have a clue xD from the point where they have 2 different aliases for releasing music you'd expect them to be different people even though the music they both release is pretty damn similar but meh I'm not complaining as they both make some pretty good music ;o [video=youtube_share;osDT9AFq-M8]http://youtu.be/osDT9AFq-M8 Also I found his latest album pretty disappointing the same as you
  12. Merry fricking Christmas! http://beneaththetangles.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/toradora-santa-praised-my-christmas-tree.jpg?w=604&h=335
  13. Loli's be peng yo. In the words of a chav. Only just realized the dates of this thread... woops
  14. Wait wha.. Did he just remove our posts? ;s Scratch that, Seems it's the same post just in a different thread
  15. Mines slightly the opposite of this, Every time someone along my row of houses orders a Package/ Takeaway/ Russian Mailorder bride it gets delivered to my fucking house, every single time I tell the person "No, this is not 18A this is 18" 9/10 times its the same fucking delivery guy as well as I live in a small town so it always comes from the same courier branch, safe to say I've given up with answering the door if its a delivery person and I know I've not ordered something.
  16. Savant - Ascent on Steam I never realised Savant had his own game ._. or that he was even making one before it was released.. I feel like a bad fan :
  17. Meh had this on repeat for a while.. http://youtu.be/HFFrAr5gnNc
  18. Mine was either Shuffle orrrr Hoshizora.. not the best ones to start off with but meh.. And everytime I think of Hoshizora.. I think of this..
  19. You make it sound like it's a bad thing to link something that someone else may of already listened too ya nub o.O, And KDrew is another artist I think I found from the Proximity channel ;o Never listened to many of his songs before though >.>.. And mmm I used to listen too alot of Deadmau5... but then he started going through a really slow patch so I kinda went off of him, I've had that link saved for quite a while though :/ As for the songs before I couldn't agree more, Tasty has been uploading a lot of nice stuff recently, hopefully they keep it up ^.^.. And I'd already heard La
  20. Well I'm sure we've both listened to our fair share of music ;o it just so happens we've heard different stuff but what is the purpose of music if not to share it to those who also love music I'll also do the same and send any thing I think you'll like ;o Both Zedd and the lead vocalist from Paramore? of course it's got to be amazing :> Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much love for this tune at the moment, can't get enough of it ;o The last link is something I'm a bit iffy about, It's pretty chill and it's somet
  21. Actually instead of fueling the flame war more I'm just gonna go ahead and post something to do with the actual topic.. In the year since I've made this thread, I've still not managed to find an anime as bad as Seikon no Qwaser... which is saying something ._.
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