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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. He's been retiring since the beginning of this month... it's incredibly annoying but it can't be helped unless they find someone to start subbing the last route.
  2. Patience... It could be worse and not move at all :L Space Pirate Sara - 18% translated I've no idea why I want to play this I just do, The hentai was... weird in a good weirdish way... Oh and yay for Hatsuyuki Sakura ;o
  3. She looks someone familiar but I can't place my finger on where from..... 8/10
  4. I wasn't aware of that site, It actually seems like a handy thing, instead of having to pay for it, you teach them your language and they teach you theirs, I'm looking up their Japanese penpals as I'm writing this ;o
  5. Ahh I forgot about things like that, I wouldn't suggest them for languages like Chinese, Russian where the alphabets are completely different to that of Latin/ basic English and I also forgot to add that the courses aren't short either ( I've not taken Language courses before out of school so I've no idea how long a normal course would take ) Also I doubt the free trial of Rosetta offers what one of their actual courses would ( Where you're given your own tutor to verbally talk to and everything ) Scrap that... You actually have to pay extra for those things which are pathetic... http
  6. If you were judging on learning something from school.. wouldn't it depend on the teachers capabilities? ;s As far as I can see teachers have different teaching techniques even when teaching the same course as the other teachers so that may change how affective their teaching is ;o But seriously if you really want to learn another language, I'd suggest looking up an online tutor or a Language learning program like Rosetta Stone of course I'm not sure if that's available in your country, the only problem with these methods is that they're overly expensive but hey nothing is free in this worl
  7. From playing a fair bit of Dota 2 from time to time, I've come to the conclusion that when playing an online game where you'll come across russians all you need to know are these words.. http://i.qkme.me/3u1ew4.jpg On Topic: ProTip; If you get the chance to learn another language, take it as you'll never know when knowing how to speak that language could come in handy, Especially with the way the worlds going at the moment.
  8. Russian is such an aggressive and extensive language to learn, I'm not sure why anyone would want to learn it unless they were planning on moving there or were interested in a job which involved them being close to/ needing to deal with Russian speaker >.>
  9. Can agree with this ^, From Year 7 which is starting Secondary school ( Not sure what that is in the U.S ) it's mandatory for you to take at least 1 language course up until Year 9 where you choose what you'll take for your GCSE's ( Courses from Year 9 to the end of Year 11 ).. apparently some schools teach different languages here, but the only option in my school was french or nothing although my mates french teacher was actually married to a Japanese woman and they actually had fluent Japanese conversations over the phone sometimes :L UK Educational system is so complicated ;(
  10. Worst part being Staircase dropped it without translating Miu's... But he actually said Miu was the main reason he even wanted to translate the game :L But in all honesty the points he's made for retiring are actually all true and viable reasons >.> one can't blame him for wanting to retire to focus on irl things, it's just a pain he started something that won't get finished unless someone picks it up and finishes it off.. Also i know I'm late to the discussion on Dracu but meh..
  11. it may not be a dirty picture or anything, but she still makes me HNNGHH >.>
  12. Soooooooooooooooooo Much Love For This Right Now.
  13. [video=youtube;H32SIISkc-Y] That's right... And you guys thought I'd forgotten about you
  14. I feel another School Days coming along than, Was happy to see the day that it was finished and released only to take about 6 months to gather up the energy to finish it because I'd lost interest in it. :/
  15. Not been doing anything VN related for a long time, Question though, Has the progress on Dracu-Riot been solid or have they been slowed since I last checked it ( Last checked it at around 8k total words done )?
  16. http://puu.sh/2gbdz First post in god knows how long, Shit got messy on my Desktop.
  17. Quick question but, Why? Not saying it's a bad choice or anything but just wondering what you enjoyed about it..
  18. I am fairly cold hearted when it comes to VN or Anime, most people are huge fans of Kanon whereas I can't stand it, Most people are huge fans of most things which I can't stand but meh, As for me I'm not a huge fan of either of them but I just genuinely, do not like Sekai. But I'm all for the Crying Seduction thing, Shows you that they're secure enough to do it around you in a way ( As long as you aren't the reason for them crying )
  19. As for the School Days one, She got what she deserved tbf.. Was never a fan of her :3
  20. http://puu.sh/Q7m5 'Tis been a while since I posted one.
  21. You can't really put a Poll on peoples favorite Anime o.O, As well as I can't really choose just one Anime to be my favorite.. It'd have to be either Toradora!, Ghost in the Shell or Shakugan no Shana.
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