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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. start a new...after all you'll get to skip those already read lines~
  2. JumboFiles.com - Dedicated Hosting i want play this~ and the original game.. T.T
  3. desi..i believe nobody bother to read the first page nowdays... though i seem never to have problems with my game.. but i think his problem might due to corrupted patch~
  4. Vun..faster..play~

  5. you dont know whose Misa-chan??? read Kaichou Maid-Sama please~
  6. no..dont remind me of Eden.. kinda sad when i think back.. plus..there's been lots of VN dropped due to lack of time/translators being bored and stressed.. we at least should be grateful to the whom persevered~
  7. i knew her name were near that...

    hehe...i cant contain myself...

    i can just tell you the story by now~!!!!

  8. yandere.....any guess it'll be released by early OCT??
  9. yup..asuma-chan^^


    oh....i cant wait to have full miyako's patch!!!


  10. i agree..though he might be busy..so i gave him the links first~
  11. Ryu..updates~CraneAnime: VN Translation Status (03-06-2012)
  12. stilll...it kill the anime due to last of funds///
  13. nice 1... its been a while since i play blazblue~
  14. you mean the thing i write??
  15. boy..do you notice the tag of the thread???
  16. actually...its nearer to True Emiya's devotion to his will and path for his ideas~ thats what he said to Archer~
  17. yes..school-misugi^^

    when i mention maid..

    its asuma-chan(i cant remember her name)Hideo's maid

  18. oh really???

    then imagine them with swimsuits..

    oh and the maid too~

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