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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. Rukako... i've found something great for you~ CraneAnime: [Otoko no Ko Club] Otoko no Ko Datte Dekiru mon! ~Wonderful Haramase Life~ (JAP)
  2. i know.. but life would be a little better without them for those poor heroine's especially the little ones~
  3. ultimecea

    School Days

    but..the criminal is deeply attach to you~
  4. ultimecea

    School Days

    either way you just want to have Nobu.. so he's all yours~ nobody mind....
  5. wait...ok.. the runner then..she's brown or orange or some sort of that colour cant remember her hair colour coz her face seems to overlap with kagamiya rin from period or at least that whats come out in my flashback.. sorry for the mess data corrupt in my brain after my pc's harddisk spoilt~ i know the reason is dumb..that's why i just skip the scene... kinda hard for me to hurt someone when i felt that i need to protect them.. thats the main reason i avoid loli's scene..
  6. i finish the whole thing bro... and i know with their specialties.. the story gets deeper and richer..' i just cant stand the inclusion for the H scene.. other than that..katawa shoujo gets my ratings with Lily on the top.. that pink hair runner (forgot other's name other than lily) came second.. and the translator...wish i could have her route~
  7. me multi-task too kill timez`

  8. actually no..especially bout the H scene on those people.. even when i read h manga about them..i just skip it i cant forgive world for making porn to abuse them.. though katawa shoujo did a very good VN and how they appreciate them.. but they could do better without the H scene..which i turn off
  9. no.. it's not that.. she's perfect..her line's were great.. just that it kinda sad when they make a VN bout special people and throw in some H scene's.. it's unbearable even it's just VN~
  10. haiz..

    multi-tasking huh~

  11. Nope.... Yui is the first heroine but then the story revolves between 4 of them.. and if you notice.. there's more screen shot for Mio and her Moeness that other's (if u delete the scene for Yui&UI)
  12. because,,baa-chan you are the eldest because yo the Oba-san~
  13. i would give her my vote if not for Lily.. i mean who can resist her charmed.. and for her being blinded yet with a kind heart makes her more beautiful... but i shall not forgive the game-makers.. it pains me going thru the VN and yet a H scene for the seems to be mortifying~
  14. maybe its his luck or something which might due to his windows and everything patched up because of auto-updates~
  15. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    thanks Ivan.....
  16. actually.. you shouldn't call it jap dubs.. it the original.. and all movies/animes or whatever goes best with originals~
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