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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. another Saber voter... haiz..world must have gone round~
  2. it's different if it's Tohsaka.. but Chris-chan is totally higher level~
  3. season 2=10???? and i wait more than a year!!!
  4. i kinda hate this pairing same like the 1st~
  5. no time.. my empire is fighting those aliens... so i can just pop up and reply in an instatnt.. oh..drat that sunohara's pic..should put Tomoyo~
  6. haiz... i didn't see that much.. busy playing warhammer
  7. you calling me chinfag now??? sweat.. come on..even rukako knows i'm playing along.. haiz.. you're turning paranoid~
  8. you never know rukako.. you'll never know~
  9. fufu..hear that rukako?? Vun saying you're cute~
  10. dont worry.. you can rape the sister~
  11. yo..hime-chii

    you dont mind me calling you that shall do you?

    anyway..can do a intro for me?

    lets see..

    i'm from one of the worst country ever known as i just told you and i'm a pure breed OTAKU..

    being i nto these business for 12 years..that more than half my life

    and i'm the most annoying bastard here but i'm a Tomoyo's lover and die hard Moe lover~

  12. it wont.. the novel or anime.. both tells in detail.. though i just finish season 1.. although i prefer the novel~ ^undecided
  13. nooo..... i'll be darn.. and i just got my 13 episode of fate zero ori dvd... ^shoot me in the head
  14. ^cant believe he dindt know where to get psp iso...
  15. no.. you just care for mashiro.. and i was talking bout mashiro~
  16. ^didn't notice that he could download the file again
  17. because baa-chan is sad that nobody knows the charm of mashiro more compared to misa-chan.. well...people nowdays only stuck to popular latest series... thats why its kinda sad~
  18. yup.. totally agree on that though i'll vote Misa-chan is she was plotted with other heroine~
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