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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. ivan...

    bout ToHeart2..

    was it possible???

  2. you know pairing/three a kind/123/456/789 things like that??? that should be enough~
  3. yeah agree.. but you'll like Yume~ wow.. you are taking it slowly~
  4. haha.. told you that Komomo Moeness is sky peak~
  5. Mahjong is really easy.. Especially when you were born with gambler's blood~
  6. ^you did smoke..please read your science~ i'm not..i just having fun shooting anyone i saw~
  7. let just assume my post are the last shall we???
  8. call me anyway you like..

    though i prefer Ulti/Lulu..

    and i'm a FF fans too..

    if you understand my id~

  9. ^confused to the max until writting something bout me being a Nobu wannabee
  10. [quote=Stoopet;19773 I don't want to "keep it strong", i already left the thread before, but this inthesky guy (Or perhaps girl is more appropriate?) is pissing me off, he has no fucking common sense and you just can't sit there and watch while he writes some utter bullshit. my bad.. though i'm 1 for him/her to be block~
  11. no..no.. its bout Nobu and his raping tendency~
  12. ^defining Nobu which he already not in a commoner's status~
  13. why?? Rukako hate her? she's a good seiyu though~
  14. dont tempt me with ps3 version.. T.T
  15. Air Gear Manga - Read Air Gear Online For Free reaching final.....
  16. ^seducing Nobu to make him a pokemon rapist~
  17. ^self-conscious regarding one's self being and idiot although i didn't say he's the one
  18. a sign to prevent showing the evidence of ED~
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