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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. have you started??

  2. i believe most people here vouch for great story lines compared to H scene... further more... amagami..i believe is the PC version... it'll be sad if i need to read Tsukasa,Sae and Haruka route on my PSP
  3. nobody mention Nobu... they just ignore it~
  4. well.. i thought.. why not..since you like pussy so much and keep ranting bout it~
  5. sorry... but real life picture will cause the company to brink of bankrupt... after all.. its a novel..and all the character must be illustrated with their own hands
  6. most of you choice are being spoken out loud~
  7. you'll turn to Riho soon.. after all.. her route is the True Route.. futhermore...you'll realise how stupid other heroine route later~
  8. i know.. but the ways Rukako talks.. its like another Saya~
  9. maybe... hey.. the request will be approve no matter what.. after all.. its been days~ XD
  10. was it me r the thread died??? anyway... if its still going on... she's my next choice~ Shirayuki Hotogi from Hidan no Aria
  11. go for it!!! and.. i'll recommend Irina's route.. though you should save her last... Yukino is another good choice but i rate her lower than Irina~
  12. just go the normal RPG style and leveling.. thats all the tips you need~
  13. another Tomoyo's lover?? join me...~ me and my Chris.. you and your dreams~ i like her too....
  14. ahemm..... did you just talk bout Tomoyo???
  15. she's one in my list... but.. it'll be to long.. and the girl that struck me the most is Tomoyo.. which i believe its one of the best route ever~
  16. maybe there's a transcript porblem?? thats why they were holding back.. btw.. is the new patch for fortunate arterial released??
  17. we all know you love mashiro.. thats why we don claim her from you~
  18. cool...cool... let him enjoy slowly..
  19. i know.. but other may think of her as one..
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