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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. typical Nobu.. after all... Nobu dont have commoners logic~
  2. i believe the data encryption still the same~

  3. i believe everyone looking forward for sora~
  4. well.. its might look irritating to others.. but this my style~
  5. actually they should able to do so..

    after all the pc version is taken from ps2

  6. hey.. like i say.. i hate use spoilers^^ oh.. its kinda a habit for me.. used too much chat box on facebook and messenger till i always press enter at the end of every sentence i type~
  7. i agree on that.. she and her attitude.. i dont mind being train by her~
  8. come on.. its kinda sad with all those spoilers arounD~
  9. but i dont want to play amagami on that..

    why cant they just port over the scripts to pc???

  10. i know..

    but you can play ps2 game on pc

  11. ivan..

    was it me or the files at DA are down??




    tried again and this time files are back..

    maybe i just trigger a false alarm...

    sorry Ivan~

  12. haiz.. now we lost another great thread~
  13. i mostly watch football.. although i do play basketball.. though i prefer to play than see the play~
  14. really??? i'm on my 7th day now.. i believe its easier to control since i just reading on Amagami now days~
  15. then... was this invalid??? Amagami - Game - Animekon
  16. argh....

    i need more VN!!!!

    like Amagami or Kimi kiss~

  17. its strange because i dont have problem with the movie file..
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