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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. ok.. i guess it valid then.. i cant imagine Aisha being screw by others.. after all...she's a tsun-dere and i prefer her to be mine~
  2. no.. its you who DAMNED~~~
  3. dont DEFILED my dream~
  4. haiz my comment is very obvious ma....

  5. i know... but.. please dont even imagine that~
  6. so... you DELIBERATED-ly pushing for my judgement!!
  7. come on...

    you know that im sarcastic rite???

  8. for me.. Emo is life.. life cant be one if it's aint EMO~
  9. then you shall be DARNED!!!!!
  10. means i'll need to wait for September~
  11. I'm your REVERED GOD!!!!! do you think i will fall by those petty threat~
  12. come on..

    a typo and you re-correct me????

  13. i think we have enough of this thread dont we? after all/// we must be grateful for what we have.. even its a misfortunate life like mine~
  14. [video=youtube;eWcAH2WTC-A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWcAH2WTC-A finally got my Shana3 ori... will be away for a while~
  15. show prove.. but warn you.. its Shin Koihime..not Koihime~
  16. there's none on VNDB.... btw..is that Azu-nyan???
  17. i know bout the first wish.. come on... everybody does.. but the second.. i got better choices~
  18. argh... you want to start the RIVER of words again???!!!!
  19. speaking of it... i heard there's a movie coming by autumn this year.. can vertify that for me??
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