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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. what LEVEL are you guys playing now???? Jumping back from start?????
  2. by the way.. i thought you gonna name a character??
  3. Argh... so much gun firing.. and i was left behind????? damned.. and my comp crash at this moments~
  4. btw... my nickname.. is invalid.. it's like.. no connection with me...i cant accept the one given by Moe-Hater~~
  5. actually... you better reflect yourself.. dont wake up the sleeping Demon in me~
  6. copy my style~ you need Rukako's scream~
  7. [MEDIAFIRE][/MEDIAFIRE] haha..'he's the Moe-Hater after all.....
  8. nah.. Rukako din specify~
  9. Mayuri is so cute.. TsunTsun version of Tomoyo~
  10. the girl with violin... i already got Tomoyo.... now if only i could find Tomoyo in real life~
  11. lolz..

    then you miss the great scene of MSG

  12. i just wanted to tell so.. btw.. i'm the Tomoyo's lover here~
  13. like i've said..


  14. ^impossible... i dont react to words that dont imply to me.. you Sunohara lover~
  15. ^a total mess-up guy...even dream of Sunohara~
  16. sorry.. I'm Tomoya alike,...
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