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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. you talking bout MariaHolics??? talk bout a guy trapped in a girls body+androphobia.. and the best thing.. super sadist lolita~
  2. ok..

    done deal..



  3. T.T you should demand a cute nickname for him,.,,, after all... he wanted Ruka-chan~
  4. all your wallpaper??

    its about Tomoyo right??

  5. not nice.. need something stimulating.. Rukako.. any idea????
  6. lolz.. veitnamese still into cam whore??? just finsh downloading corpse party into my psp... its going to be a long night at my area~
  7. since Yachi is Rukako.. What bout you??
  8. nah... i dont mind tentacles either.. just find a topic to debate~
  9. ultimecea

    Fortune Arterial

    because i remeber there's the older sister and the student council girl.. cant remember their names now after so many years past the anime~
  10. VNhunter trying to call you Ruka-chan.. is that ok for you??? by the way.. i thought that Bou-ken was call Samedera..
  11. its ok..

    after all...

    i cant find now...

  12. ultimecea

    Fortune Arterial

    either one.. its gonna be nice.. by the way,.. there's lockable heroiene right?
  13. good job... now you must show the power of Samedera~
  14. come on.. these kind of people give me the creeps.. they and their fetish~
  15. its ok..

    i left it public..


    please contribute~

  16. yes.. why not.. since you like trap... i juz call you Rukako~
  17. i give up.. these tentacle lovers are the ones corrupted and defiling all the Moe character... all these idiot just look for porn and flashy pictures... they're at lower life than scums.. i mean Otaku have been looked down.. but all of us are just fresh healthy beings that looking for fantasy+girl of dreams.. not someone thinking that RAPE+TENTACLE are the most enjoyable things in the world.. you can take your fantasies and stupid obsession with a tentacle stuck into your ass!!!!!!
  18. then y don you follow like me and ask them politely to translate it??!!!!
  19. seriously??

    juz for the pics???

  20. whose the gurl?? dead tired.. need another round of fresh VN!!!!!!!
  21. its obvious that i just create it~

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