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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. well.. let him be... after all.. thats the worst route people should dumped~
  2. i don mind Illya.. just Komomo is better... btw.. i wont nominate Tomoyo here.. you know why right??
  3. Tomoyo..................................

  4. NEED TO TEACH WHOSE BOSS~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRfKaJytYG0&feature=related
  5. thats not the meaning..

    its more to personality~

  6. i cant.. i love her... T.T when she's like this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRfKaJytYG0&feature=related i cant hold back~
  7. ok.. i look thru too fast.. i saw her white dress=phantasmoon pop up.. nevermind... i want Komomo......
  8. sadly..

    i'm a full blast S..

    so teasing is my strong point..

    think of super TsunTsun~DereDere

  9. i believe Mio is a valid candidate~
  10. too annoying.. Chinami is bareable as she's cute in 1 point..
  11. well.. you for one.. how can you post Arceuid and Phantasmoon as 1?? not fair.. T.T
  12. kinda make me stale from school uniform~
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