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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. its up to you..

    if you get what i mean~

  2. i played it before..

    but i'm just telling the truth..

    she's like a tsuntsun version of Tomoyo~

  3. i know.. just.. when peple want to talk bout tomorrow.. they kept use mirai.. as in tomorow will always there/// i might suffer from ANEMIA now~
  4. not he picture.. i was talking bout him.. after all he's a Bishounen!!!!
  5. i dont know.. i can see.. emilita's ending are decent.. Yuela's are nice.. But Serawi kinda make me sad... Plus.. the others during the ending make you kinda sad for them...
  6. haha.. i remember it vividly like yesterday...
  7. if me..

    i wont stop myself from Mayuri's MOENESS~

  8. but Kurisu much better~
  9. when you talk bout media.. can you specify the rule??
  10. well.. like you say it.. old animes... after all who got watch The Slayers?? XD
  11. and i used to hear mirai~ ACRONOVA.....
  12. ultimecea

    Fortune Arterial

    oh.. i read the updates.. so they really going to release kiriha soon.. so whose the next heroine?>
  13. i know.. tomoyo is so cute.. that they have to pay tribute to her.. i mean..'why??? why Tomoya choose the stupid/useless Nagisa?? Tomoya and Tomoyo are meant to be together~
  14. come on... i have the most shock here.. cant you see i'm Lelouch most avid fan??? and i thought he's(she's) very pretty~
  15. i mean the pre-order limited version...
  16. i believe there's one somewhere.. its rare nowdays to have an anime without adaption from manga or game...
  17. hey.. there's doing Dracu-riot now.. dont blame them.. imagine the moeness that coming~
  18. yup/.. i got shock when i was searching hor his pic~
  19. actually.. if you notice.. all those decent+nice anime all from eroge~
  20. i believe.. this will be the ultimate Trap... g
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