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So, uh, does anyone here read?

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Like, stuff other than eroge and manga? There are boards or threads for most media, but I don't there is for a general paper-y books.


Probably the largest fraction of my reading would be general fantasy - mostly modern, Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson and George R. R. Martin (when he actually goddamn writes). I've been trying to read less of it, though.


My favorite book would probably be... either Lord of Emperors by Guy Gavriel Kay, which has some of the most beautiful prose I've ever read and can swiftly humble anything I may think of my own writing, or Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, which is simply a brilliant and incredibly funny work.


I'm currently reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, a rather charming debut novel from '04 concerning a resurgence of magic in the Napoleonic Wars. After that I have the Outlaws of the Marsh translation of Water Margin, one of the great novels of pre-modern Asia. After that I'm thinking about trying some of Haruki Murakami's work, mostly 1Q84, but also The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.

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Oh ho, nice list, my good fellow. Just the books I'd hope to be read here. You and I are two peas in a pod, I'd say.


Yes, I read them printed backups when I have spare time. What's the name of the translator for your copy of Outlaws of the Marsh? Would you consider it the definitive English version?


IQ84 is a trilogy of books, but it reads swiftly as if it were only one novel. For Haruki Murakami, I most adore Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. Curious title, innovative book. I'd say it best captures the creative energies Murakami has become best known for.

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I only know a few novels and light novels (mostly VN related)... And most of thee time, if I have no unfinished VNs, I read hard-cover books specially science related...


Thanks for the list... I'll be looking into them once the next semester starts... but if you have links, I really appreciate it getting posted here...

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I've read a ton of books, mostly older series. Currently reading through my collection of Xanth novels in their slightly silly pun filled glory.


Fantasy also seems to be my favorite written genre. My favorite author(Alan Dean Foster), however is more in the Sci-Fi realm of things.

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Somewhat, I haven't read anything other than Eroges in a while. There's a local library just a few bus stops away and I sometimes went there to read but now I mostly use it as a place to study, since the school library isn't exactly quiet (students use it as a "quiet place to talk"). My mind likes to put pieces together so naturally I gravitate towards the Mystery genry, I've read some Agatha Christie books and some of the more famous authors like Arthur Conan (Sherlock Homes) and Donald J. But I haven't read a book in months since I prefer Eroges and VNs. :)

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Yes, I read them printed backups when I have spare time. What's the name of the translator for your copy of Outlaws of the Marsh? Would you consider it the definitive English version?


Sidney Shapiro; it's supposed to be one of the better English translations, but I haven't actually started reading yet.


I've read a ton of books, mostly older series. Currently reading through my collection of Xanth novels in their slightly silly pun filled glory.


I tried reading the Incarnations of Immortality series, but Piers Anthony's prose is kinda weird and stilted and sorta bad. Plus every non-immortal female character pretty much being there to look hot was... yeah. Is that stuff better in Xanth?


Im also reading "A song of ice and fire" series.


Are you watching the Game of Thrones series as well? It's a pretty faithful adaptation and will probably be better than the books when it gets to into territory covered by Feast and Dance, because those really need a run through an editor. It's only aired on HBO, though, and is currently around halfway through the events of Clash.

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hmm I haven't read Incarnations of Immortality. Xanth is a pretty clean style for a younger audience, hence why I picked it up when I was still in grade school. The best aspect I believe is the magic talents each person born in Xanth have, from simple cantrips like making a hole appear, or creating a hologram of yourself, to what's called 'magician' level talents, like transforming living things into other living things at a glance, or perfect illusions of sight, sound, smell, and even taste, or being able to talk to the inanimate, etc.


As to females being there to look hot. Eh there is some of that I suppose, but nothing very graphic. And some of the novels even have a main character that is female.


It really is pretty light reading. Compared to say a Sci-Fi novel with heavy prose and detailed descriptions.

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As a child and back in my early teens I was a bona fide bookworm. There were times when I finished 4-5 books per week. I've read everything I could find at home. Fairy tales, propagandistic Soviet novels, history books, dramas, etc. Then when I was 12 my family bought our first PC, so I wasted most of my times being a nerd and playing games, thus the amount of books I read decreased to 1 book per week. Then, eight years later, in 2010 I learned about the existence of VNs from a friend of mine and got into anime/manga through them. Nowadays I spend most of my reading time reading manga or VNs, I read one "classic" book in every two months or so. My favourite genres are: mystery, fantasy and horror. And I'm usually a buyer for anything with a "WTF, I don't even" vibe to it (with the exception of Blue Salo).


Favouite books:

Iain Banks - The Wasp Factory (Pretty much the best thing I've ever read and the ending has a such huge WTF twist to it, that it literally left me speechless for a while.)

Clive Barker - Weaveworld

Neil Gaiman - American Gods

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Are you watching the Game of Thrones series as well? It's a pretty faithful adaptation and will probably be better than the books when it gets to into territory covered by Feast and Dance, because those really need a run through an editor. It's only aired on HBO, though, and is currently around halfway through the events of Clash.


Australian TV sucks, I don't have cable either.

Regardless: Id rather read through the books first anyway, It feels more immersive.

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Australian TV sucks, I don't have cable either.

Regardless: Id rather read through the books first anyway, It feels more immersive.


I've seen three really good shows from Australian TV (but I'll take your word that the rest suck). They were all Chris Lilley: Summer Heights High, Angry Boys, We Can Be Heroes. They were great; Chris Lilley is hilarious.

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Well it's been a long while since I read an actual book. Now I'm not a big reader but I read a few of Stephan King's stuff. Like the cell phone one that turns people crazy, all of the Dark Tower Books, The Stand (boy that was a long read lol), The Dreamcatcher, The guy that was in a coma, and one other one.


Also I read The Hobbit. Wasn't bad if I remember correctly.


Also I really like the Eragon books. I read up to the 3rd one and the 4th probably came out by now but I have no idea.


Also I read a whole bunch of Halo books. I rather like the Halo universe.


That's pretty much the only stuff that I read that I can remember.


Also more recently read 3 light novels. About half of all of Zero no Tsukaima (probably spelled that wrong)(I'm putting it on hold. Kinda tired of it right now), Just finished Vol. 4 of of Sword Art Online, and a little of Accel World (not much of it is translated yet T-T).

Edited by superBlast
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Hmm, I hope to teach about the occult one day, post military. But besides books concerning the occult, I'm a picky reader. Currently Im on the last book in the legend of drizzt series, and the stupid library wont get it fast enough, so im in the sellsword. Which it is about characters in the series. R.A. Salvatore is a good author.


The Wizard Lord series is good. The first book is nice because it has such and original idea, and the central conflict and solution aren't as clear cut as many other stories, which puts heroics in a different perspective.


If anyone wants to discuss the occult or magick, I would be greatly interested. :D

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God i love them fantasy+adventure series, anything that is a series, has potential to be a good book...since i don't believe goodness can be finished in just 1 book.


-Also, anything with mythology is bound to be the best book ever, example=The Alchemyst by Michael Scott. still waiting for the 6th book, ierno if it has came out yet since i didnt check.

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